The CHI Life Experiments
This measures Orgone Energy of people, plants, food, liquids and more. To use it place the item you want to measure on the wooden and metal plate next to the meter. Then the needle will go from 0 to 100 to show how much energy is in that item.
This unique device is based on the mysterious Orgone Field Meter of Wilhelm Reich. The phenomena it detects has been known by several names including Orgone, aura energy, and chi. Our newest version of the Experimental Life Energy Meter model is being used worldwide for personal energy monitoring, energy device evaluation, water testing and more.
I have repeated these experiments and they come out the same.
You can have me measure something for you, email or call me

I have repeated these experiments and they come out the same measurements.
CHI LIFE measurements of our body’s energies
I am 65 years old, healthy but declining Average 52
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mark is 67 years old declining, loss of muscle mass and energy Average 42
Kris is 52 years old, healthy, psychically strong, full of energy Average 50
A 40 year old man Average 52 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Below is a Healthy Family of six kids and the grandmother measurements taken at noon
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Grandmother Kerrie has had Muscular Dystrophy all her life 48
A 33 year old Healthy Dad 48 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Christopher 13 year old 52
Ryleigh 11 year old 52
Kelsey 10 years old 50
Max 8 year old 52 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Erin 4 year old 52 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ady, a 2 year old child 52
The Energizer Health Tool, one day I woke up and measured a 45. I have never after a year of measuring been near a 45, however I felt fine and all day I measured a 45. So, after a tiring day, I used this healing machine for an hour. It went from a 45 up to 60, I felt energized. I then went to bed later and in the morning, I was back to 58, I was happy.
Violet Ray Machine 52 after using it for five minutes now it is 58
Exercising 50 after walking on treadmill for 20 min it is 56
Holding my puppy before 55 while holding her it is 55
CHI LIFE measurements with Veggies
I have measured different foods. Raw live, rotted, processed, and cooked. Everything that is processed is dead and has no energy, a zero value.
Raw Fresh Food date, just bought uncooked Cooked
Celery, The whole bunch 26 8 one stalk
Head of Cauliflower 18 2 Small slice
Whole Romaine Lettuce 15 0 one leaf
Whole bunch Cilantro 12, a ½ cup 8, 2 dried up
Whole Egg Plant uncooked 12
One large Beet 12 2 baked
Whole Broccoli Bunch 10 2 is one crown
Yellow Squash 10 2 baked
uncooked Yam 8 8 baked
Fresh Bunch of Asparagus 8 4 baked
Cucumber 8
Zucchini 8 2 baked
One head of Artichoke 8 0 one leaf
One large Tomato 4 2 one slice
Ear of Corn shucked 4 0 cooked
One Carrot 2 0 baked
All Bells peppers are a 2 0 baked
Fresh Ginger, large piece 2 0 two fingers
One Idaho Potato 2 2 baked
Portobello mushroom one cap 2
Small raw bag of Brussel Sprouts uncooked 2 0 boiled
Kale raw one leaf 1
White mushroom ½ 0 Baked
Little orange jalapeno 0 0
Head of Iceberg Lettuce 0 0
Onion & Garlic Cloves 0 0 baked
Interesting Side Note: On Celery Juice. There are many books written by a man named Anthony Williams. He is also called the Medical Medium. He has been on television shows, radio, and such. One of his books you should get is called “Medical Medium Celery Juice”. He talks about the healing properties of this super food, and about juicing celery every morning before you eat or drink your coffee. The measurement using this Chi Life Meter shows that celery is one of the strongest chi units that I have found in vegetables. So, it is not just the properties that make up the celery that has its healing ability but also the high Chi content.
CHI LIFE measurements of fruits uncooked Cooked
Cantaloupe uncut 8 2 is one slice
Mango 6
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Banana with peel an 6 just the peel 4 2 Banana itself
Orange 2
Strawberries 3 of them 2 ½ is one
Peach 2
Avocado 2 cut open, pulsed then dropped to 1 1/2
Green Apple 2
Small Watermelon one slice without rind 2
Pomegranate 2
Alfalfa Sprouts full container 4 2 half
Clover Sprouts full container 4 2 half
4 Green Grapes, 4 cherries, 4 Blueberries 0 measured separately All 0
CHI LIFE measurements of with meats
Uncooked Cooked
Whole Rump Roast 2 1/2 Pds 16 4 one slice baked
Whole Beef Heart with fat cut off 12 12 whole, baked
Lamb, small chop with bone 6 2 fry pan
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- T-Bone Steak 2 1 fry pan
Chicken Breast 2 2 baked
Chicken Thigh with leg 8 4 baked
Calves Liver 0
Pork Chops 0
Hamburger 0
Turkey Breast half size uncooked 12, whole baked 12 2 one thick slice
Turkey Leg uncooked 6 6 baked -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Turkey Ground 2 2 baked
Flounder 4 Oz 2 2 baked
Salmon 4 oz 4 4 baked
Cow Testicular ball one uncooked 2 2 baked
Cow Penis one uncooked 1 0 baked
Cow Tongue uncooked 8 8 baked
one egg in shell 2, out of shell 4 0 scrambled
Bologna, Ham, cheeses 0
ALDI’s Grocery Half roll Premium Pork Sausage 4 fried cooked
Smithfield Bacon three pieces uncooked 4 4 fried cooked
LIFE CHI Meter Experiments with Canned Food, all these cans were drained but not rinses before the experiments. So if you think the cans have salt and that is the reason of the high CHI well just
Sea Salt, Morton’s table salt, Himalayan Pink Salt is 0 white and brown sugar is 0
Dry Cat & Dry Dog Food bits, whether they claim to be healthy are a 0
Can of 3.5 oz Cat Friskies Mariner Pate 10
Can of 4 oz Cat food Tastefuls Turkey and Chicken 4
Can of 13 oz dog food Pedigree Turkey & Bacon 10
Can of 13 oz dog food Alpo Beef and turkey 10
Can of 5 oz SE Grocers brand Tuna in water a 6
Can of 5 oz Starkist chunk light Tuna in water 4
Can of 5 oz Bumble Bee White Chunk Albacore Tuna in water 0
Can of 15 oz Portside Seafood wild caught Chub Jack Mackerel 10
Can of 14.75 oz Chicken of the Sea Pink Salmon whole can 6
Can of 14.5 oz SE Groceries Asparagus Spears Cut , the whole can dumped on my meter registered an 8 and after being boiled was an 0, but a bunch of fresh Asparagus still in the rubber band is a 8
Can of 10 oz Great Value Corn , drained not rinsed not cooked 8 8 boiled
Can of 10 oz Mothers Maid Blacked Eyed Pease, not cooked 8 8 boiled
Can of Hearts Of Palm , drained not rinsed 3 of them are a 2 6 are a 4
CHI LIFE measurements of Drinks
One cup of my favorite coffee “Café Avarle” Mocha o.78 packet with hot water it was a 14 but when it cooled down it was 10, Did hot water resale energy?
Black Folgers coffee one cup 8
CVSHealth Aloe Vera water gel fillet 8 oz 8
GO Smart 7-Select Cold Organic Pressed Juice Clean and Green 14 Fl oz glass bottle Ingredients; Kale, Cucumber, apple, spinach, mint, celery, lemon, and parsley. This is my favorite drink to buy but it is only available at 7-11’s, measured an 8
Naked Green Machine 15 oz from 7-11 10
Kolia Protein Cocoa Bean 8oz 10
Pumpkin Spice Creamer 2 one tablespoon
Fresh Juiced Celery
Dr Pepper and Mountain Dew 8 oz 8
Burger Kings Small Coke 6
Milk 2 % whole One cup of 10
Milk 1 % One cup of Natural 12
Tap Water, 8 oz 8
Hydrogen water, 8 oz 10
Livingston Red Rose Wine 8 oz 10
GatorAid red 8 oz 8
CHI Life Of Snacks
Tablespoon of Little Bear Honey 4
Edy’s expresso Chip Ice Cream, one small bowl 2
Slim Jim Monster Size Smoked Stick, the whole 2 2 inch piece 0
From 7-11 Tuna Sandwich, on wheat bread ½ sandwich 2
Oat and Honey snack bar from convenient stores 1 bar 2
Milano Milk Chocolate cookie 0
Snack Pack Sugar Free 3.5 oz chocolate 1 cup pudding 0
CHI Life Measurements of Random Foods
Publix large Curd Cottage Cheeses ½ cup 2
Plain Yogurt 7 oz “FAGE Total 5% brand 3 ½
Oikos Greek Yogurt loaded with real Blueberries 0
Domino’s Pizza, one cooled slice of Pepperoni and Sausage 8
Soleto Italian White bread one slice 10
Sara lee Honey Wheat bread one slice 2
Ezekiel Cinnamon Raisin Sprouted Whole Grain Bread One slice 10 Toasted 8
Cuban bread baked from Winn-Dixie 2 3”slice
Pulmone Kimchi one serving size NAPA Cabbage Spice 2
Kimchi was used for curing the Bird Flu in Korea
Quaker Oats one cup uncooked 0,one cup tap water with a ½ cup 10
One long Aloe Vera leaf from a grocery store unpeeled 18
CHI Life measurements of Fast Foods
Burger King Whopper 8
Burger King Small Coke 6
Burger King Cheeseburger and regular hamburger both a 4
Burger King Small Fries 2
Mc Donald’s Big Mac 4
Mc Donald’s Hamburger and cheeseburger each 3
Mc Donald’s Small Fries 2
Mc Donald’s Medium Mocha Frappe 14
Mc Donald’s 3 piece Mc Nugget 0
Mc Donald’s 6 Piece Glazed Donut 4
Taco Bell One Hard Shell Taco without condiment 2
Taco Bell Beef Burrito 4
Taco Bell Chicken Quesadillas 2
Kentucky Fried Chicken Original One Thigh Chicken Dark Meat 4
KFC Original Chicken Breast White Meat 3
KFC One serving of Cole Slaw 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------KFC One serving of Mash Potatoes 2
KFC One Biscuit 2
KFC One serving of Mac and Cheese 2
Pizza Hut One Slice Thin Crust Medium Pepper & Sausage 2 days old a 2 but fresh a 3
Pizza Hut One Slice Thin Crust Medium All The Way, 2 days old a 2 but fresh a 3
Pizza Hut Chicken Garlic and Parmesan one wing a 2 two is a 4
Pizza Hut One Serving of Chocolate Chip Cookie 2
Pizza Hut One Serving of a Brownie 2
CHI Life measurements of condiments, all one tablespoon is a 0
Heinz Ketchup, Yellow Mustard, BBQ sauce, Butter, Miracle Whip Mayonnaise, Salad dressing Kens Asiago and Garlic and Salad dressing Makoto Ginger all 0
Questions, Why Does the steak, Rump Roast, and Beef Heart pulse? I have only seen red meat pulse? I have no idea why, I do not believe that eating meat is bad for you, but I believe it should be in small portions. Each organ resonates at a certain frequency, so if you eat liver, you eat the proper frequency for your own liver. If you eat a kidney, then it is good for your kidneys. If you eat a beef heart, then it resonates with your heart, and by the way, the beef heart has the highest Coq 10 of anything you can eat. The Beef Heart also measured the highest CHI units of all meats, is this why?
A beautiful white carnation flower just picked from my backyard was a 2. Then 24 hours later, it was a 1, showing it was losing its life force. Then another 24 hours, it was a zero. By doing these life energy experiments, I hope I will have inspired you to eat healthier. At the beginning of the Covid lockdown, I did some raw food measurements, which inspired me to become a raw vegan. I lost 35 pounds that year. You can easily make a chart to do your own measurements, then eat only the highest energy foods, keep track, and send it to me
Interesting Story
Myself on 6/25.21, I had a big dinner of dark turkey, jellied cranberry sauce, a large amount of stuffing, gravy, and a choc dessert. I had the same plate at lunch the next day, got tired, and slept all day. The third day at lunch had the same dish again, knowing that was the end of my turkey dinner binge. Not long after finishing, I became drained, unlike anything I had experienced before. I thought maybe my blood sugar was super high. I was right, it was at 500. I was going into a sugar coma. So, I placed my hand on the CHI Life Meter, and OH MY GOD! I was down to a 32. WOW! That scared the heck out of me. I have never seen it go lower than Marks reading at a consistent 40. I got on my Energizer Health Tool for three hours while sleeping for short bursts. I then retested my CHI, and it went up to a 40. I was happy to see it could even go up. I went to sleep for the whole day and night knowing not to eat any food, and, in the morning, I was up to a 48. I checked my sugar, and it was down to 95. I felt normal since, and I ate only the foods I have listed that have high CHI. I used my Energizer Health Tool for two hours, and by the next afternoon, I was up back up to a 60. This event was interesting because it accurately measured my body’s energy level. This is like a warning system that the meter can let me know if something happens to me. So, the reading correlated with very high blood sugar, extreme fatigued, and brain fog. Could this also be used for detecting high blood sugar, cancer, and other severe ailments in the future? I am scared to eat anything with no CHI and sugar in it.
Send me an item you want measured or email me what I can buy and measure for you
Eat A Hundred Percent Energy. Everything is energy, so when Earth produces plants, fruits, and vegetables, they become %100 energy. When a creature like cows, pigs, and chickens eat that energy, they use it all up except %10. When we eat them, they give us only %10 of their energy. This is a good example of why we need to eat %100 live food, not food that barely fills up our cellular batteries. To order go to www.Heliognosis.com. I am using this old analog meter, but now they have updated digital ones for around $400.
The CHI Life Diet
Now since we know how much chi energy is in many foods, let’s make a program of calculating the chi we eat.
Common Breakfast Common Lunch
2 Eggs 0 2 slices of white bread 20
Sausage two patty’s 2 Iceberg lettuce 0
3 pieces of Bacon 4 Bologna slices 0
White Toast with jelly 0 Slice of onion 0
8 oz 2% whole Milk 8 Handful potato chips 0
---------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
The whole breakfast 14 The whole Lunch 20
Snacks The Common Dinner
Chocolate chip cookie 2 Macaroni and Cheese 2
Fritos 0 Microwaved potato 0
Energy bars 0 Hamburger Patty 0
Ice Cream 0 Ice cream 0
--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------
All these snacks are 2 This whole dinner 2
Grand Total is a 38
Now let’s Prepare Healthy Strong CHI Meals
CHI Breakfast CHI Lunch
Two Avocados are 4 Cilantro ½ cup an 8
Two slices of Ezekiel Broccoli 4 crowns an 8
toast with butter a 20 1/2 Romaine lettuce an 8 Slice of Cantaloupe a 4 One slice of tomato a 2
One stalk of celery with Apple 2
Peanut butter an 8 Whole orange is a 2
One Banana 2 One uncooked carrot 2
----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------
Chi Breakfast total is a 38 CHI Lunch Total is a 32
CHI Snacks CHI Dinner
One Celery stalk with Baked 4 oz salmon filet 4
almond butter is an 8 Cooked Yam is an 8
Half a cucumber a 4 Half a Zucchini friend 2
Handful of Cashews 0 Portobello uncooked a 2
------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------
Snack Total is a 12 CHI Dinner Total is 16
Grand Total of this example of CHI LIFE ENERGY is 98 So, wouldn’t you rather eat 98 units of Chi energy than a 36. If you, did you feel great that day instead of sluggish.