"From Hooker To Electro-Therapist, to a collector of 90 Healing Devices"
Know where else in the world has 90 Healing Devices on display and that you can come visit for a hands on experience.

Table Of Content
Chapter 1. About The Author
Something about Mary
Full Bio
Chapter 2. Electricity, The True Fountain Of Youth
We Are Electrical Beings and how our body uses electricity to heal
Electrolytes lights up a light bulb
Chapter 3. Explanation of the body’s electricity, auras, and chakras Chapter 4. History and Future of Electro-Therapies
Antique medical devices
Future medical devices
My Med Bed
Chapter 5. Nikola Tesla’s life Story
My Connection To Nikola Tesla
I time traveled as Tesla did
My Interview About Nikola Tesla On A New York Radio Station Chapter 6. Learn Muscle Testing Supplements and Machines
The Arm Straight Outward method
The Chair Method
The O-ring method
The Lean Forward and Backward Method
The Finger rubbing and the rubber band method
Chapter 7.Take the tour of my collection of 90 Electrical Healing Devices Firstly, have your photo taken with Nikola Tesla by standing next to him while he is holding
an 8” plasma bulb, that you can touch while I video you and take your photo.
Then as you walk into my hallway, there are certifications of people who have completed my Electro-Therapy course along the top of the wall.
Beneath that is my Interview about Nikola Tesla on a New York radon station.
Beneath that on the shelf are my seven published books.
1. “From Hooker To Healer”, from a life of sex to a world known healer using electricity
2. “From Hooker To Electro-therapist”, a collector of 90 healing devices.
3. “From Hooker To Aura Photographer”, before and after of what harms and enhances the aura
4. “From Hooker To Nikola Tesla”, and my connection to him.
5. “From Hooker To Paranormal Investigator”, 470 paranormal encounters in my own home.
6. “From Hooker To Body Energy Experimenter”, 90 experiments using healing devices
7. "From Hooker To Heaven", my amazing psychic readings from my past 30 years.
8. "Electricity, The True Fountain of Youth"
Next are some books that I had learned about how electricity and the body works.
“Energy Medicine” by Donna Eden
“Body Electric and Electromagnetism ” by Robert O Becker M.D. and Gary Selden
“Electric Body, Electric Health” by Eileen Day McKusick
“Healing is Voltage: by Jerry Tennant MD
“Waves That Heal” by Mark Clement
Beneath the books are photos of Mark and my underwater wedding in SeaWorld Orlando
1st Wall Are My Self-Diagnostic Devices
Next wall up top, is a border of scientist and healers that I admire
Body Voltage Meter and The EMF by Lloyd Burrell
Life Chi Meter
Garmin Body Battery Energy Monitor
Health Meridian Analyzer
Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer
Live Aura Imaging
Microscope For Viewing Blood Before and After Machines.
Testers In The Gold Cabinet
Spinning Energy Tester by Thomas Greenwell
Urine Test Strips
Blood prick tester for cholesterol and uric acid
Nitric Oxide Test Strips
Alcohol Tester
Blood Pressure Wrist Device and Finger Oxygen Meter
Negative Ion tester
Water testers such as PH, Toxins and Antioxidant ORP Tester
Breathing Lung tester
Cholesterol tester
Uric acid tester
On the wall next to the cabinet is the Heart Math Bio-feedback system
2nd Wall of Energy Machines
The Giddy Up Core Exerciser
The Tesla Body Energizer, best healing machine of all
TDP Mineral Heat Lamp
Electronic Foot Bath
My Radionic Plate
Van De Graff Generator
Grounding Bed Sheet, Grounding Foot Pad and Grounding Wrist Wrap
Our 6ft large Tesla Coil
Reflexology Electronic Foot Machine
3rd Wall on white shelves
Vowel Chakra Tuner
Frequency Generator with Hydroponics
Rife Machine
Second White Shelf
Starts my story board of how and why I got into this business. I started with the nutritional supplement called Supper Blue-Green algae.
Next to that was my first device called a Dr. Hulda Clark 9-volt zapper that cured my Lyme disease in two weeks. Then I keep telling the story of how I got 14 more devices.
Dr. Hulda Clark Book “ The Cure For All Disease”
1. The 9-Volt Zapper
2. The Hand Crank Zapper
3. The Syncrometer
4. Food Zapper Plate
Then my next device was a Dr. Bob Beck Blood Purifier
Dr. Bob Becks Protocol
1. Blood Purifier Zapper/ Colloidal Silver Water Maker
2. Magnetic Pulser
3. Ozonator Generator
4. The Brain Tuner
Edgar Cayce Bio and my next device
1. Antique Violet Ray Machine
2. Wet Cell Battery
3. Radiac Appliance
4. Carbon Coin
5. Charred barrel for lung health
Then my next device was a Modern Violet Ray Machine
and how I met Ed McCabe and was put in his book called “Flood Your Body With oxygen”
On the shelf below Is where I learned about Nikola Tesla
First is the my Nikola tesla Book
Next is the 18” Tesla Coil
Next is the 8” Tesla Coil
Next is the Tesla Ray Gun
Next is the Tesla Crystal Violet Ray Device
Next is the Tesla Water Maker that came to me in a dream
Next is the Tesla Socks that came to me in a dream
Next is the Tesla 7.83Hz Schumann Frequency Pendant
Next is the Tesla Bracelet
Next is the Tesla Purple Energy Plate
On the floor below
The Tesla Ozone Plasma Generator
The Tesla Herbal Magnetic Cushion
The Tesla Orgone Cushion
The Tesla Copper Healing Screens
The Swing Chi Machine
The 4th wall of glass shelves
Mine and Robin Elkins three inventions
The Bio-Energy Tuner
The Bio Energy meter
The Bio-Chi Meter
Second Shelf
The Orgasmatron
Acupuncture device
The Ultra-Sound Device
Third Shelf
Voxxlife socks and foot soles
Covid Items
Cell Phone EMF Protector and Air Tube Technology
iteraCare Health Blower
Bottom Glass Shelf
Tens Microcurrent
Mind Machine
Hot/Cold Healing Device
Galvanic Energy device
Hanging on the wall is the Tommie Copper Shirt
Next to that is the Whole-Body Vibration Machine
Next to that, on the floor is the Pink Infrared Sauna
5th Wall are the Pet healing Devices
On the wall under the border of friends and scientist
Pet Zero Point Energy Wand
On the shelf below
1. Pet Dr. Hulda Clark Zapper
2. Pet Color, Sound and Tincture Maker Device
3. Pet Quantum Health Analyzer
Below on the black marble table
4. Pet Magnetic Generator
5. Pet Small Tesla Coil
6. Pet LED lamp
On the floor, under the black marble table
The Pet Tesla Herbal Magnetic Crystal Cushion
6th Wall, on the shelf
1. The 528 Hz Love Tuner Whistle
2. The 528 HZ DNA Love Tuning Fork
4. The Human Organ Tuning Forks
Under The tuning shelf, on antique round table
Red Wrist Device
Crystal #D Singling Bowl
Next Wall Top Shelf, Antique Medical Devices
1. Antique UV Lamp
2. Color Therapy Lamp by Darius Dinshah and his book “Let There Be Light”
3. Antique Whimshurst Wheel High
4. Voltage Jacobs Ladder
5. Layden Capacitor Jar
6. Bagdad Battery
Bottom Shelf Antique Medical Devices
1. Electreat Rollar 2. Pharaohs Egyptian Healing Cylinders
3. Antique Davis Kidd
On the floor under the white marble coffee table
The Scalar Wave Device
The Tachyon Device
In My Dining Room
Here you can see my other books on electricity and the human body
Here you can lay on the sofa for a demo of the Beamer
Here you can use my 6ft Angel healing device called “In The Wings Of An Angel”
Here you sit on the sofa and use my “Arm and leg Bouncer”
Try my Decontamination Pod
Try m Rainbow Healing Pod
In My Backyard
I have a three large Tesla tapestries setup for photo opts
I have a 7ft Double Copper Pyramid for meditation. You can have your aura photo taken before and while being in the pyramid.
Photo of Nikola tesla hold the large white bulb and Thomas Greenwell Jr dressed up as him
Chapter 8. Top 10 Devices I recommend
My 17 Healing Inventions
12 Nikola Tesla Healing devices
Learn about the top 10 devices I recommend for healing
Non-Electric healing devices for people with pacemakers and electrical pumps
My five healing devices that came from people in my dreams Chapter 9. Sylvia Browns Prediction Of Covid In Her 2008 Book Bird flu and Other Epidemics
My psychic Margo predicted Covid a year before we even heard of it
Angelica herb for the pandemic
List Of epidemics and pandemics going back thousands of years
Covid Long Haulers
Covid blood and the blood after the vaccines under a microscope
Little known Alternative Methods for Lung Health
Chapter 10. Stay With Me, learn about each device, and Get Your Health Back On Track
I need someone to leave my business too after I die.
What I Will Do If I Get Covid 19 or Any Serious Illness
What machines I would use, What I Will Use To test myself
keep by my bedside and in my bathroom
What supplements, teas, and essential oils I will use,
See before and after aura photo experiment from breathing oil of Lavender,
What I will Eat, * What I will do In my car, and in an airplane.
I make a one-of-a-kind face shield and Decontamination Pod for your entrance door for sale
I caught Covid January 2022
Take My Electro-therapy course
Chapter 11. Sex Industry, what devices should be used
Devices that should be used in a brothel or for an escort service
Aura photos of a couple having sex
Healing through orgasm therapy
Chapter 12. Energy Healing
Reiki, Before and After Aura Photo, see the true color of Reiki
Aura before and after a Reiki Session
Bruno Groning, Circle Of Friends Energy Healing
David Boyce
Scream Therapy
Chapter 13. Bio-Feedback Machines, Wellness Centers and Naturopaths
Vega Tester, Dermatron, QXCI, Sound software
Chapter 14. My Miscellaneous Thoughts
Telomeres, True Anti-aging and my telomere thought that streaked into my brain
Stem Cells Therapy, I’m A Believer
Why time has sped up
Power of love
See aura photo of before and after death of an alligator
Low Body Temperature, Part Of The Aging Process
Absinthe poisoning
Cirrhosis Of The Liver
Aura photo before and after drinking alcohol
Aura Photo before and after smoking a cigarette
Aura photos before and after praying the Lord’s Prayer over food
Chi Meter Experiments with food, fast food, liquids, animal food, and people
Dangers of aspartame and NutraSweet
Schumann frequency, are we in danger
Gravitational Field Therapy
Hot/cold Shower Water Therapy
Laughter Therapy Is Real
Harp Music Frequencies
The Human cells resonates at
Why is it harmful and using Protection, Air Tube technology, protection for cellphone
Aura photo of before, while using a cellphone and after
My workspace and how I protect myself from harmful EMF Fields
Faraday clothing to protect you from harmful fields
Chapter 15. Our Underwater Wedding
Read about our underwater wedding inside SeaWorlds main aquarium
and see some photos
Available Services
I have twelve services available that are available here or I can go to you
Recommended Books and Local Healers Medical Intuitive Psychic Margo
Contact me at Mary@90HealingDevices.com or call 321-525-2511
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