Violet Ray Testimonials
These are reports from people using the Violet Ray device, this does not mean you would get the same result. Remember this is the small version of the large and more powerful
The Tesla Energizer Health Machine.
(Anemia Sickle Cell) Hello Mary, I am so happy and amazed with my blood work. I have had sickle cell anemia all my life and have never been in the normal range until now. I bought this ray for my hair only, but you said to use it on my face, neck, and all around my body. I told you that I only wanted it for my scalp. Two weeks after I used this a couple of times a day for my hair, I had my blood work as for the first time, it was almost in the normal range. I called you to ask you if this cures Sickle Cell, you said you had no idea but now to use it directly over your blood. You said to place the bulb on the inside of your wrist where your arteries are, where they draw blood. Two weeks later, I called you to tell you for the very first time in my life, my blood test is in the normal range, Amazing! I tell my friends about this all the time. They are tired of me talking about it. I can’t thank you enough. Lakesha
(Back, water Retention, Calluses) Hi Mary, we are pleased with our purchase of the handheld violet ray. It is helping me with water retention that I was having to take water pills for. I haven't taken them in a few days because the violet ray seems to be doing its job. I've also seen a reduction of the calluses on my feet. My husband's back seem to be some better. Now I am interested in the full Body version, the Tesla Energizer Health Machine. Linda H
(Buddhist Temple) Hello Rev. Mary. This Violet Ray has been an absolute God Send to us, treating the various medical problems with the poorest of the poor people in Thailand’s Esan region. We have been using them in the Buddhist Temples with success. Sister Fatima
(Cancer) Bladder) My cat Ra was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He was straining in the box
, and only blood was coming out. He couldn't pee at all. I put the ray over his bladder area on his belly. Within less than a minute, he got up, walked over to the box, and had a pee! I started using it 3-5 times a day, sometimes for 5 mins other times for 15 mins depending on what he would allow. That was over 2 weeks ago, and he has never bled one drop of blood since. I really feel that if I didn't use this device on him, he wouldn't be alive today. Every time I use it on him, he gets a blissful look on his face and soon starts to nod off to sleep. He even lets me use it around his face and mouth, and that helps him with his stinky breath. And, of course, you probably already knew what an incredible aphrodisiac the ray is! Today I put the mushroom attachment on my "private parts" (through clothes) - not INSIDE like you recommended for yeast - for only 5 minutes and I couldn't believe how switched on I have been feeling all day. I normally don't have these feelings as I'm so focused on work all the time. Kitty is slowly getting used to the ray, and I think. At least it has been helping his constipation, so that is terrific! My cat is doing better every day. Menkit
(Canker Sores) Hi Mary, Hope your doing well , Just wanted to update you on a few things where the Violet Ray has come to the rescue. Canker Sores: infrequently I'll bite my lip and get a canker sore. But here's what I found. If I put the end of the Violet Ray probe on the outside of my skin opposite where the canker sore is, it will go away over night! Walloped on the noise by a drawer: Last Thursday I had a termite inspection, and while moving things in the garage, I had a drawer slide out and hit me on the bridge of my nose. This was a plastic drawer, but it was heavy, and man did it hurt. After the inspector left, I ran in and applied the Violet Ray on the bridge of my nose using the large spoon probe. It stopped stinging, never turned black and blue. It was tender to the touch for about 4 days. The fact it never bruised was amazing!
Got rid of a wart on my nose: I was able to get rid of a wart that was on the tip of my nose. Just zapped it with the long skinny probe one time. Warts will sting while you zap them, but the skin around them never hurts. This particular wart just crumbled to dust in a few days. I still have a red spot where it was, but skin is smooth and no protruding "bump". It Stopped the start of a blood blister: I had a start of a blood blister starting on the same finger where I had the large ugly wart that I finally got rid of earlier this year. It started on them opposite side of the finger. These things are like a stringy red wart. So got the Violet ray and zapped it till it stung. Looking at it right now, there is just a tiny red dot where it was! Wow! All the best, California Scott
(Cat) Melanie’s cat had no hair on her back, from allergies. The vet and holistic vet could not help her. She called to tell me after a few days of rubbing the violet ray on her cat, the hair is growing back and has more energy. She wants to put her testimony on video
(Diabetes) Hi Mary, I had some problems that I could not fix. One of which was a circulation problem with my legs. I am a diabetic, and over the years, my legs from the knee down discolored to the point that they were almost black, and they itched so bad that I drew blood from scratching. No One was able to help this. Then I received the Violet Ray, and it stopped the itching; and over time, the normal color is returning to my legs. The circulation is returning. Thank you very much. It also relieves some pain areas. Simply rubbing the glass tube over pain areas, the pain diminishes. I wish I had access to this device years ago. John W.
(Horse) Hi Mary, I wanted to let you know that I am very impressed with the machine. We use it on the horses, and they seem to feel much better during and after using it on their legs, back, and body. We used the machine on our stallion who has a tendency to get inflammation in his back at shows due to overwork and the small stalls at the show. He didn't have any problems at this show! He was a VERY happy horse. We also used it on a friend’s horse at the show that was having problems with pain and inflammation to the point of using lots of painkillers. This horse didn't place in the classes (received no ribbons for 1st, 2nd place, etc) until after using the machine. The horse seemed brighter and happier and went to compete again and placed 2nd in a large class. The horse also seemed to have a sense of well-being. We also used it on the trainer/rider of the above horse who's back was very stiff and painful. She reported feeling better immediately. Best, wishes, Linda in Ocala Fl
(Lump) Oh Mary, Today is the day I actually go into work, last night I was using the ray for the first time on my face, and while I was doing it, I was getting pins and needles way down in my right breast on the underarm side where I have had a lump on the chest wall for years where tissue got torn off years ago. It is completely benign. This morning it is nearly gone, it has always been tender, it is not, and it is more than half gone and I did not even use it there!!! I will use the ray again tonight and do a better report. Thank You, you are an angel, Chrissy
( Lyme) Susan called me, who had recently bought the Violet Ray and a blood zapper. She has suffered from Lyme disease for seven years with brain fog and pain. After a few weeks, she is getting some energy back. She told me she uses the violet ray every day.
(Polio) I was at a health fair when an elderly lady came up to me and said she knew what that machine was. She said when she was a child, she had Polio. Her parents had the doctor come over with that machine and rub it up and down her legs every day, and in two weeks, she was walking again and was fine. She said the machine was bigger and had more power. I said yes, that is the way they were made many years ago. AWESOME !!!!
(Shingles) Hi Mary I wanted to tell you I am grateful for the Violet Ray. I had horribly painful Shingles for a few days, so painful. I used the Violet Ray on it directly which was not easy to do. The next day the pain was less, and I could see it getting better. I did it again the next day twice for 20 minutes, then by that night I felt better. The third day I repeated this, and the next day it was gone.
I have had this condition before, and it stayed last time for three weeks. I know this ray did its magic, Thank You Mary so much. Gene
(Sleep, Calf Pain) Hello Mary, I want to tell you that everyone of us who have been using the Violet Ray have noticed deeper sleeping and very vivid strong dreams. I have encountered excellent dreams for a while now. The dreams are so real you could almost taste and touch them, haha. My mother who’s a terrible sleeper is sleeping like a baby with awesomely vivid dreams. She told me the dream was so real it was incredible and the next night she fell asleep right back into the same dream. People who know about dreams would be very happy with them results.
My calf is much better and sometimes my other calf feels worse which is the better one. My fingers don’t hurt now where near as bad as they did. My spot thing on the leg has disappeared. I am telling everyone with a brain who’s into helping themselves to research and grab the Violet Ray ,Thank You, Mary
(Spine) Hello Mary, My violet has helped me with my spine and posture so much, especially with doing Yoga. Thanks Andy
(Swollen Gland) Hi Mary! Yes! thank you! Went hiking 12 miles in 24 hrs to some hot springs, so I was a little sore the next day and used the violet wand for few minutes, no pain at all the next day. My lymph gland that has been swollen and going down for a couple of years is getting much smaller, and I think it will disappear soon with the continued use of the violet ray. It also has helped with headaches and neck strain. So, thank you, Best, Yvonne
(Tennis Elbow) A testimonial: My wife had tennis elbow, we used the mushroom electrode around the area for 5 minutes twice a day and within a week, the elbow was fine. I found the comb electrode excellent for stimulating circulation to my scalp. Kind regards Dale.
(Warts, Joint Pain) Hi Mary, My mom’s wart is totally removed from the arm with 2 treatments except I've still proceeded to use the surface electrode around the area. Her feet are amazing, and you wouldn't believe they were the same feet. ALL discoloration has been removed from nails to make them white as they should be. ALL dry skin is removed and pure pink along with all fungal infections. Most of the fungal infections had totally gone after just 2 treatments.
Her shoulder one day was stiff and hurting near her neck, so I used the Violet Ray for 3 minutes on this area. All her pain eased dramatically and left it at that. The next day she still only had this minute amount of pain, so I blasted it again for 2 minutes, and EVERYTHING DISAPPEARED.
My mother has lost 4lbs since having the Violet Ray on her body. She had many toilet trips for 2 days which has stopped and feeling fatigued.
Also, I help an elderly lady with alternative protocols with excellent results. Her painful joints from Osteoarthritis have dramatically changed and have eased by a massive amount. I've been working on her spine with great results using the violet ray. She could only walk for 4-5 minutes before the back and joints would hurt. She would have to lean up against a wall or bus-stop etc. She informed me that she had walked to a shop 1.5 miles away for a newspaper and back with hardly any grief at all. Today she was out doing her garden for a good while and then went shopping carrying 2 heavy bags on either arm. She doesn’t use shopping trolleys so there’s you’re PROOF of the power of this device. I’m sure I will send you more, Thanks Dan