The Tesla Body Energizer Device and scroll below to see the Tesla Violet Ray Device.
Electro-Therapy is the wave of future. This is my best and
quickest healing machine that I have, because it is all the
machines rolled up in one. I have studied about 90
different machines over 27 years.
The most powerful healing tool on the market.
The Tesla Body Energizer Device ,
my number one machine, this is all the machines rolled up in one. It is used for all diseases and chronic pain. It is used to increase mental and physical energy. People experience mental clarity, deep sleep, weight loss, better eyesight, better sexual performance, improves hair growth and nails. It improves bone density, muscles and releases toxins. It is the most powerful lymphatic detox machine on the market. It energizes the body back to optimal health. Helps with teeth and gum problems. Used for all heart disease, Lyme disease, Fibromyalgia, Arthritis, Diabetes, Cancers, Paralysis, and can reveres gangrene and does so much more.
This is a PEMF healing machine, it uses a
pulsing magnetic field, ozone,
millions of frequencies, harmonics,
inert plasma gas Neon, far-red, and
raises cellular voltage.
Every cell has a tiny battery in it that holds milli-volts. It has positive and negative charges. When your bodies battery's voltage becomes low from stress, injury or disease, it will have difficulty working properly. This device charges your cells back up just like a battery charger does for your cell phone. Cancer is -15 Millivolts of the cells, an aged cell is -50 Millivolts and a normal cell is - 70 Millivolts to -100 Millivolts. This device powers the voltage back up in those cells so the chemical, hormonal and enzyme processes can work properly.
For 27 years I have studied healing machines. All kinds of frequency, zappers, color, sound, magnetic, powerful energy, subtle energy, infrared, acupuncture, Nikola Tesla and Edgar Cayce machines. These machines uses Electro-therapies to give the body the power to heal itself.
People have reported great benefits with Diabetes, People with abnormal cells. This machine has helped people with Fibromyalgia, Lupus, paralysis, gangrene, edema, heart congestion, severe back pain, and so much more. The Tesla Body Energizer creates more oxygen in the blood because it ozonates the tissues. Oxygen is a nutrient; you can live only a few minutes without it, but food, supplements and water you can last for days. Also harmful germs cannot live in a high-oxygenated state. Ozone is a germicide. This amazing device acts as a cellular massage. This can create a more balanced alkaline state, disease lives in a high acidic state, when the body becomes more PH balance it can regenerate to normal health
•Moves the lymph’s. We are 60% lymph material and the toxins accumulate in the lymph’s that runs along side the circulatory system. This drains the lymphatic system
•We are made up of electricity, we are spinning electrons and when we are in pain or dis-ease we are missing harmonic frequencies. This can replace those missing frequencies. The metals oscillate off each other causing a broad band of harmonic frequencies.
•When we are in pain, we have a build up of positive ions, this replaces the body with healthy negative ions, thus releasing the excess positive ions. Ever see the info-commercial where people are lined up in a convention to try a positive ion bracelet and immediately their pain is gone?
•When we are in pain we have a build up of too much hydrogen, this replaces that painful area with oxygen. Promoting the feeling of well-bring. Allows the body to release toxins at its own rate. Also emits infrared a healing wave length
•This device causes electro-poration, meaning the cell membranes become more permeable by opening up the cells more so that the nutrient rich blood can rush in and the toxic waste can flush out for detoxification
•Causes better hydration and makes the communication of the cells work better
•This device can unstick the sticky red blood cells that causes pain, most pain and disease is the caused from sticky red blood cells and this gets the blood flowing, literally moving again.
•This enhances the sodium/potassium exchange of the cells. Making the pump work better, the more electrical energy it has the more efficient it works.
•Restores the natural frequency of the cells, it resonates a frequency for the rejuvenation of your cells.
•It does not pass electricity through the body because of the glass insulation but creates a strong magnetic field
•Balances and charges the Chakras, thus enhancing the (Aura) energy field
•Can be used as a crystal therapy device by placing crystals on the glass to incorporate that particular crystal or gemstone frequency
* It seems to stimulate endorphin production and neurotransmitter output. This may be why there is an effect on mood/ relaxation and energy level.
* Improves nutrient absorption, assimilation and improved memory.
* Digestive system and metabolism improvement. Improves sleep. Relaxation, mental clarity and Speeds recovery after surgery and injuries
Devitalizes parasites, viruses, bacteria, molds, yeast in the body
Great for enhancing athletic performance
This Tesla Body Energizer has helped people for the last 27 years.
It is in many Holistic Clinics around the world.
This does not cure you; it only provides the vehicle to recovery.
This is used as experimental and research only

This is no longer called the Energizer Health Tool but now The Tesla Body Energizer Video
Tesla Body Energizer Testimonials
None of these private reports mean you would have the same results.
The testimonies you are about to read are from my own family, friends and people who have bought the machine. Many people would come to my house for help so some of these are myself writing them down. Or, what they told me over the phone or from emails. These private reports do not mean you will have the same results. I am making no medical claims; just repeating in their own words what they believed the machine did for them. If you do not see a result that is like yours it does not mean it would not help you.
I am starting out with this testimonial below because not only was it one of my very first one and the most important, but it shows how if your cells get low in electricity how important it is to raise it.
Go to my website and read the more testimonials from all kinds of Cancers, Parkinson’s, reversing gangrene, just about every aliment. It was hard for me to pick out these four pages below when I have so many dramatic healings on my website.
(Adrenal failure) Fred had been seriously ill; his adrenals were almost shut down. He was very weak. He is 38 years old, and his weight had dropped to 130 pounds. I brought to him my Energizer; he used it for an hour and a half. When he got off, he said his shoulder pain was gone for the first time in a few months. It had been dislocated, but the pain had stayed gone since the session. The next morning, he woke up with improved eyesight so much, so he did not need his glasses to read. He had had bad eyesight since a child.
When I saw him, he was barely able to hold his head up while sitting in the chair, he was that weak. I told him to stay on another hour and a half. This was one of the first people I had every put on my machine. So interesting is what happened with Fred. Within about 20 minutes of him being on it he told me that the bulb was hot and his feet on the footplate were hot. I said “Really?” Let me use it maybe something is wrong, it had done that with the other people who have tried it or myself. I told him that I thought the sound of the transformer was different, like it was working harder, louder. So, when I used it for 20 minutes the bulb and my feet did not get hot and the sound of the transformer sounded not nearly as loud. I immediately realized because he was so severely low in energy that he drew a lot more electricity (electrons) from the transformer. How interesting! For myself I was not sick, my cells were full of energy, so the transformer did not have to work so hard. I left the machine with him between him using it and him going to a holistic doctor he recovered. Thank god because he is my brother.
(Acid Reflux) Hey Mary, The first time I utilized the Energizer it alkalized and cured the painstaking acidosis I had for over six years. No prescribed antacid or medicine I have used has done such a long-term cure: The first time I used it, I felt much activity in my esophagus, a coating-like and healing-like feeling whence I breathed in (that first day); all those years of acid refluxes had harmed me internally and it repaired this part of my organ indefinitely. For the first time in six years, I ate Taco Bell without bearing the acid refluxes! Edwin
(ALC torn Knee meniscus, rapid healing) My friend Dean, tore his meniscus and he had told me he had an operation to replace it. He said as soon as he got home, he used the Energizer for an hour and every day after that for an hour or more. Then he went to the to get physical therapy three days after the surgery. When he told the man at the desk that he had his operation three days earlier, the man said “No fricken way. Impossible” My friend said that this guy had to look up when he had the operation because he thought his leg was being pulled. He had walked in without a cane.
He went to the doctor that same day and the doctor said he had never seen anyone heal that fast. He said he wanted him to be his poster boy. I told Dean that this machine helps with speedy recovery because of all the energies it does and increased circulation to the knee.
(AIDS, neuropathy, sexual benefits, melanoma) Thank You Mary, Dennis was on his last leg when a friend had him try his machine. The first half hour, his Neuropathy in both legs from the hips to the feet was gone and had not come back. Plus, he received a lot of energy. He used the Energizer for about once a week for two months then went back to the doctor for tests. The doctor asked what he was doing because for the first time in ten years it is undetectable. Dennis would never tell them because he knew any of his doctors would not like it. Dennis had gained weight, could drink a couple beers, and eat again. His Melanoma spots on his back were gone. That surgery was canceled. Dennis will tell anyone who wants to know about the Energizer and how it helped him
regain his health. The Energizer is something like a Viagra machine as well. The men that he has had on the machine reports waking up like a teenager again and their wives are happier. Proves how the energy gets everywhere. Thank You so much!!! Dan
(Anti-aging, hair) Dear Mary, Last year I bought a Tesla Body Energizer from you, and I want to tell you how pleased we are with the results. My wife and I use it for one hour each day and have noticed some excellent results. Our hair has become darker, having lost some of the grey and it grows more quickly than it used to. My wife’s bone density has improved immensely, having been slowly diminishing during the last few years and is now normal. The lines on her face have almost disappeared (she is 50) and the readings taken by my bio-resonance practitioner have greatly improved and he tells me my biological age is 28 (I am 80). We know it is an excellent machine and we would not be without it. It seems to be an anti-aging device. Thank you again. With very best wishes, Reg and Beatrice in the United Kingdom
(Arthritis, spider veins, wrinkles) Hello Mary, My Dad is improving and walking without a cane, my arthritis at my fingertips (no pain just swollen joints) are down by 80%; spider veins have reduced; rough skin gone; reduced wrinkles and whenever I have neck pain it is eliminated, Thank You, Stephanie
(Athletic Performance) Hi Rev. Mary, I am happy to report that this machine has increased my athletic performance. I do not know how but it does. This also helps me recovery from injury much quicker than before. I am sure I will send you more testimonials. I have been telling my friends about this. Thank You so much, Barry
(Back pain, wheelchair) This man, I cant remember his name, he had been on SSI for ten years and in a wheel chair for the last two years. He came over to my house with his wife who wheeled him in. We put him on the machine for an hour and he stood up and walked out without pain. They were so amazed and happy. The next few days he called me to tell me his back still felt great, but his wife was mad at him because he said now my downstairs is working again and I am chasing her around the house. I never heard from them again.
(Back pain) Mary, The lower part my back has been replaced with titanium, I have suffered with years of back pain. After the titanium, the pain was no better. I bought the Energizer and found it helps with my back pain when I thought there was no hope but now, I see there is. Thank you, Tom
(Back pain, ankle swelling, fibromyalgia) Hi Mary, I wanted to tell you something about the Energizer. I used it for my Fibromyalgia and WOW, when I got off the machine I felt like I was floating, amazing. I could tell my blood circulation was better. I also used it for my chronic back pain. I had a bad lower backache for ten years. After I got off, I was on cloud nine, I have never been so happy. I stood up from a sitting position without any pain. I could not believe it. I also have fibromyalgia and very sick from this but when I got off the machine, I felt so light, like I was floating.
The next day my 21-year-old daughter came over because her hand was swollen from typing the day before and it was painful. Ten minutes into the session she called us over to look at her hand. The swelling was gone. Then I put my 13-year-old son on the Energizer, he had had a sprained ankle for 2 weeks, it was still swollen and painful. He stayed on it for ten minutes then got off because he thought it was boring being on the machine. About 15 minutes later we got him back on the machine for another ten minutes before he wanted off again, when he stood up he said “ Mom my ankle doesn’t hurt” We looked, the swelling was gone. So, he went outside to play with the kids. We watched him run and every once in a while he came to tell us the pain was still gone. It never came back. I’m so excited, Thanks Dorothy
(Bicep pain) Hi Mary, I wanted to tell you that for many years my biceps have been in pain off and on from an accident. After one time on the Tesla Energizer all my pain was gone and stayed gone for a week, I am happy to have something to keep the pain away. Thank you, Angel
(Bleeding gums, glaucoma, breast tumor) To Mary, I have had constant problems with bleeding gums. As a result, my dentist Mr. Amire has me use a water jet, which helps. Also, I just use salt to clean my mouth and teeth. The last two times my dentist cleaned my teeth October and January, my dentist was amazed. He said my gums were stronger than ever whilst before he described them as 'fragile.' Also, they did bleed very much when he cleaned them. I told him what I was doing, and he agreed that it was the machine that was making the difference.
Second testimony: My father has glaucoma which was controlled by drops. The pressure in my eyes has been high for a couple of years. When I was checked at the Western Eye Hospital, London, in November 2007, my pressure was 27, which is borderline glaucoma. I had an appointment at the eye hospital one year on in November, and my pressure has been reduced to 16. This is a total miracle as what can be predicted is the pressure will normally continue to rise. The ophthalmologist just could not explain why the pressure has dropped so dramatically. I started to use my machine in late March and have used it about 4/5 times a week ever since.
Third testimony (you may not be able to publish this one). The breast tumor was 12cm x 7cm and was open and bleeding. Plus, I had about 6 tumors in my lungs, two under my arm and one on my collar bone. As the tumor was stuck to the chest, the only thing they could do was do chemo in terms of conventional treatment. The doctors have been completely amazed as I was told I would not eradicate the breast tumor or the one on my collar bone or under my arms. They are now all gone. Additionally, I am down to 2 tumors’ in my lungs, one measuring 1cm and the other 9mm. Thank you again Mary, Jean in the U.K
(Cancers) a lady who gives ozone therapy rectally to horses said her brother-in-law had tongue cancer. He used Linda’s machine while he was getting radiation. Each time he went to the doctor after using the machine his blood work got better and better, but the doctor did not understand this and asked him what he was doing. He did not tell him, but the doctor said whatever he is doing it, keep doing it. Her brother-in-law will not return the machine, that is why she is buying another. I am assuming tongue cancer came from smoking.
(Cancer bladder) Irving did not get the machine from me, but he started selling this machine because it reversed his bladder cancer in two months using it at an hour a day. Tumors were completely gone. The doctors had wanted to take his bladder out but no longer needed to. He has proof from the Universality of Miami medical center. He was in his 80’s and now some years later he had died but he had put his medical report on the internet, unfortunately it is not there anymore.
(Cancer brain) Mary it has been about a year since we have talked. I wanted to tell you how my husband is doing. When we bought the machine from you, he was diagnosed stage 4 inoperable brain cancer. He was 79 years old and as a last effort we thought we would try your machine and so happy we did because now he is cancer free. His memory is much better, has more energy and more mental clarity. We cannot thank you enough. Betty
(Cancer lung) Happy New Year. Hope all is going well for you up in Melbourne. My friend Martin, with the stage 4 lung cancer is doing quite well (considering the medical community said he'd be dead by now) and attributes his improved state of health largely to the use of the Body Energizer. I pass along his thanks. Take Care, James
(Cancer uterine) Hi Mary, My wife, Judith around 16 years ago had fast growing uterine cancer, so had her uterus plus ovaries removed, plus very intensive cobalt radiation therapy. A few weeks ago, she noticed a large hard lump growing fast anterior of her left illium. She ignored it at first but then mentioned it to me and I was shocked at the size of it. She had not been on the energizer since I got it thinking it was one of my usual gadgets!!! That lump shocked her into starting to regularly use the machine, and over the last few weeks the tumorous mass has stopped growing, shrunken somewhat, and Judith is feeling a lot fitter. Her skin is also starting to look a lot better as well. She now cannot be kept off the thing!! Over time, maybe a year or two, with regular "recharging", we expect the fibrous mass will slowly be broken down and absorbed by her body., John Row Australia
(Cancer vaginal) A man from Ireland called me to say his wife is so much better. She called the Energizer her lifeline. She has had vaginal cancer for about a year and in tremendous pain. I want to thank you, she is not cured, but much less pain and has more energy. Also, interestingly her wrinkles have gone away. She is 46 years old. How being so close to death and suffering has she gone from that to feeling so much better but her wrinkles clearing? This is like an anti-aging machine, right? I am in good shape, but it does give me energy. You are an angel, Bill in Ireland
(Carpel tunnel, tennis elbow) Mary, It will be awesome to visit you in the near future. I have to tell you, I have painted this entire house and my tennis elbow and carpel tunnel have not returned. I truly from the bottom of my soul know that the Tesla Energizer cured me. Hugs and Love Suzie
(Chronic Fatigue) Hello Mary Did I tell you that I suffered from "CFS syndrome" which is chronic fatigue syndrome, for many years and was unable to work or do anything much at all. It is only over the last few years that I have been able to get some of my energy back and work part time. I put it to using my Energizer, plus the usual lymphatic clean out that initially occurs when first using the machine. Just the other day, I felt totally worn out after walking the dog for 2 to 3 miles in the early morning, so I jumped straight on the Energizer for an hour, and this time "Whoopee", I got off it feeling charged up and ready to go! Karen
(Cold, bruise) Hi Mary, When I first received the Energizer, I sat with it for about 45 minutes and the cold I had went away the next day. I was able to go back to work and a big bruise I had almost completely disappeared. The middle was totally gone while the other two parts were still there as marked as ever so this tells me that this machine does work. Diana
(Diabetes, depression, neuropathy) Greeting Mary,
Have been using the Energizer daily and it really seems to help with energy and find I'm not as depressed, panicked and able to deal with things a little better. My neuropathy is better and also hypoglycemia better, Cosamina
(Diabetes) Bob is in his early sixties, blind and he has diabetes. He wanted to see what it could do for his swollen leg and blood sugar. He tested his blood sugar before getting on the Energizer machine, it was 249, too high. He stayed on it for about 45 minutes; his leg was very swollen from his knee to his toes. When he got off he went to put his shoes back on and he said “ Hey, my shoe just slipped right on without forcing it” he stood up and he could feel a decrease. He retested his sugar and it had gone down 63 points. I told him this is very common for the machine to move the excess sugar out of diabetic’s blood. I am happy that they have the testers to see that. He was smiling when he left and days later, he told me the swelling was still down.
(Eczema, meniscus, heart palpitations, feet) Hi Mary- I know you want to know how I made out since I started with the Energizer. I used it for about an hour and a half altogether. I probably had almost 7 hours sleep (amazing for me). Also did not have heart palpitations......usually by morning my arms and hands are pretty stiff and a little achy - not noticeably today. My feet were much better to walk first thing on arising. Today I'm kind of thinking that my abdomen is not quite as swollen, feels like an umbrella had opened up. I have been dealing with sinus congestion while I'm in bed; last night I didn't take anything for that, and I almost forgot about it. My foot is quite a bit better, in fact I'm thinking that maybe the problem with it is that my knee (where the meniscus is torn) is the reason that I don't walk properly, and this then puts the foot out of position where it strikes the ground. My ear has had something like eczema of the skin, and I've been putting different creams on it; last night I put nothing on it but held the glass bulb on it for a while. It certainly is more healed today than when I use topical liquids or creams. I have happy expectations of feeling much, much better in many aspects of my health. Thank you so very much Mary for getting the Tesla Body Energizer to me so quickly and believe me, I'll use it every day. In appreciation – Marnie
(Eyesight and Numbness) Terry is a 48-year-old man in good health. He used the machine the first night for 3 straight hours. He said it made him feel euphoric and that is why he was on it so long. When he was sleepy, he went to sleep in my guest bedroom. The next morning when he woke up, he picked up the newspaper and noticed he could read the print before he put his glasses on. We were astonished. He had worn magnifying glasses for 6 months, so he did not have bad eyes for years. He was not able to use the machine until a couple weeks later but by then his eyesight went back to the way it was before. He now uses it daily and his eyesight is great again. This is a good example of the daily need for the Energizer, just like you need healthy food, clean air, and water every day you need to keep up your electrical energy. Terry also injured his hand severely in a construction accident; it had been numb for a few years, now he is regaining the feeling. Also, the numbing in his toes is gone. Thank fully he had collected on a lawsuit from a construction site before he ever used this machine. I told him I have heard many people have improved eyesight even from the first time being on it. I believe it gets the fresh blood and oxygen into the eyes and flushes out the old sticky toxic blood.
(Eye-sight, double vision) Recently, my Godparent, came to visit me from Guatemala. He was in a car accident and still had a black-eye and was seeing double vision. Well, I introduced him to the machine and the next day, both the double vision and black eye was gone. He's an MD and was equally regarding ageless bodily pains! I can't wait to travel to alleviate my grandparent. Edwin
(Fibromyalgia, back Pain, ankle Swelling) Hi Mary, I wanted to tell you something about the Energizer. I used it for my chronic back pain which I had a bad lower backache for ten years. After I got off, I was on cloud nine, I have never been so happy. I stood up from a sitting position without any pain. I could not believe it. I also have fibromyalgia and very sick from this but when I got off the machine, I felt so light, like I was floating. Thank you so much, Helen
(Fibromyalgia, fatigue, allergies) Mary, I got the Energizer about 4 years ago from you. I got it because I have fibromyalgia and severe allergies to pollens. I can get extremely fatigued at times. I use it and find I always feel better when I do. It definitely lifts my energy and helps me be less vulnerable to the pollen allergies I have especially during the spring. I would recommend it too almost anyone as it helps increase health and makes your cells vibrate at a higher rate and then the cells work to take care of any health problem. The Tesla Body Energizer has saved me money by keeping me away from needing to go to the doctor!!! I am convinced of this. Mary-Anne. Ventura, CA
(Gangrene) One day a friend of mine came over with his foot, that was gangrene from smoking cigarettes, a disease called Buerger’s Disease. His toes had already been amputated and in a week was going to be amputated from the knee down. He had heard about the Tesla Body Energizer and wanted to try it. So, I put him on it for three straight hours. After two hours he told me he did not smell the infection running through his body. I told him that it meant the ozone was killing the germs and the machine was moving his blood and lymph. The next day, we had setup a machine at his house. In a week he called and said he went to his doctor and that he almost fell over when he saw his foot. I had asked Mike not to tell the doctor about the machine. The doctor said whatever you are doing keep doing it and he cancelled surgery.
Two weeks later he called and said I can not keep using this machine. I said in a loud voice, WHY? It is helping you. He said because he keeps hard-ons, and he has no girlfriend. I said Well you can walk better so go get one and so he did. Two weeks later he drove to my house on his motorcycle that he repaired which he could not do before the machine. He walked up to me while wearing his boots and hugged me to thank me. I had tons of goosebumps and I loved getting this blessing.
I put his testimonial on my website. Soon after that I got a call from London. This man who was also named Mike said he has Buerger’s disease and is a week away from getting his toes amputated. He flew over in two days and stayed in my guest bedroom. The first day he was on the Tesla Energizer Health Machine for three hours and he told me his toe pain was less. So, he used the machine every day for about three hours each session but somedays he would do a couple hours, then another hour.
We watched his toes get better, lighter in color and less pain with him waling better by the time he went home. Before he left, he said that one day he was at the gas station, and he got a hard-on and then one night he was watching the news and the same thing happened. I said that is common because it gets energy into the sexual organs like the prostate for men. I have heard many comments from men about his, even when they were very old or sick, it still happened. Or they started chasing their wives again.
Groin pain) Sharon brought her friend over one day because he had been in excruciating groin pain. He had no money to go to the doctors. She wanted him to try the Energizer before taking him to the emergency room. She put him on the machine, and he held the bulb in both hands for about an hour. About every fifteen minutes he mentioned he felt the pain getting better. When he was done, he stood up and all the pain was gone. I heard weeks later it did not come back. We don’t know why this had happened to him, was it an infection? Will never know but it was wonderful to see him out of so much pain
(Groin pain and bruising) A friend Robert after an operation a few weeks ago was left with a giant bruise throughout his whole right groin and down his leg. His Doctor said that it was supposed to take 3 to 6 months to heal. For a week he has been coming daily and the bruise is almost fully gone. He was just using it with holding the bulb in his hands. Then few days ago he stared to to put the bulb right on his groin, not on the skin but on his shorts and the bruise is almost gone. It was a deep purple color when he started with the Energizer. He will be here till Wednesday morning, then will return to NJ. So, he will continue to use the Energizer till he leaves. AMAZING - Ann
(Hair) WOW! Mary, I love this machine. I don't know how it is doing it, but my hair is turning from grey to Auburn. I'll let you know of other changes. And is growing fast. Thank You, Chris
(Hair) Mary, I am impressed with the Tesla Energizer, it has stopped clumps of hair from falling
out in the shower and in my comb. Plus, it has helped to subside some tremors that were
going on in my body and gave me a lot energy. Thanks, Fred Tampa Fl
(Head pain) Hi Mary, since my accident in 2003 I have been in constant pain with my head. I thought I had tried everything like going to doctors as well as acupuncturist, chiropractors, and healers with no relief. The first time I tried the Tesla Body Energizer you put it on very low because I am so sensitive to energies. After an hour I got off and for the first time I could touch my head with no pain at all. II was so thrilled. I went that day to the hairdresser, and she was amazed she could touch me while she did my hair. It has been 3 weeks later and still no pain, I will be getting one of these machines. Thank you, Mary for what you do, keep it up, Beverly. Yeehaw junction FL
(Heart) Mary, Hello. Thank you for your time, your demos and for the Tesla Energizer Health Machine. I am using it twice a day and can really feel the pump in the left ventricle of my heart. I’ve been looking for a machine for about two months, and sweating money, looking at alternatives, dreaming and budgeting. This is really a gift out of the blue and it is appreciated more than you know.
I am generally doing well. My normal state is tired and somewhat cloudy. The machines (inert gas) particularly, make an obvious difference. I keep thinking about the aura photo of you in Mr. Ed Mc Cabe's book : Flood Your Body With Oxygen. the obvious clarity around the left ventricle. oxygen? heart connection? both? wondering what a current aura of you looks like. I bet its more even. I could see that particular clear light, the kind that’s been purified by oxygen around you. It was nice, and a nice validation of something at work. Thanks again. Michael
(Heart) HI Mary, Ya know it's unbelievable- My problem with urinating is 80% healed after being on the Tesla Body Energizer -I CAN"T BELEIVE IT- How freakin amazing!!!!! Today it's like almost as if it even got better and is completely healed- it's like I can't wait to go to the bathroom again. lol!! I am 24 years old. Since July I had been having heart palpitations, chest pains, shortness of breath and back pains, i had also gained 25 pounds in the last year and have acid reflux. I bought my Energizer and after the first 30 minutes on the machine I could breathe better, and my heart had calmed down. I went home charged up and very happy. That night I had lots of energy. No back pains, shortness of breath, heart palpations, I cried because I knew now, I was not going to die. I had been to the cardiologist, and they had done an electrocardiogram and my heart was normal. I was told it might be anxiety by the physicians. You’re my angel, Thank you so much, Scott.
(Hip pain, sexual benefit) This woman who was in her late 60’s came over to try the machine because of hip pain. She was born with a bad hip she told me and when she walked, she needed a Cane but had operations that never took the pain away. She was on it for about an hour then went home.
She called me the next day because she wanted to order the Energizer. She told me that not only was the pain greatly reduced but she had always had to crawl on all fours to go upstairs in her condo. She told me that for the first time she just walked right up the stairs without crawling. I said Fantastic, the machine increased the blood circulation to your hip. A month later I went to go see her and she told me that why every time she gets off the machine, she has to have sex with her husband. I giggled and said Well I suppose it is increasing your hormones. I asked her can I video her telling her testimony and she pretty loudly said “ Oh god no”. LOL I had done video filming years ago of people telling their testimonials but over time the VHS tape went bad. Maybe someday Ill redo it with the cell phone camera.
(Hip pain) Thank you, Mary, for helping my daughter. She is 33 years old and 4 years ago she was in an accident that severely injured her hips. Not only has she been in pain constantly since but every 20 minutes her legs spasm. We had bought a lounge chair for $7,000.00 that moves her legs. I bought the Energizer because getting sessions from Dr. Jose it had helped my hip pain. When I got it I put her on it for 4 straight hours. Hers legs never spasm during that time. Even her 7-year-old son had mentioned that. When she got off, she walked over to me to hug me for the first time in years with no pain. The next morning, she was knocking at my door at 8 A.M wanting to get on it again. Normally she does not wake up until 2P.M every day. I will keep you posted with any more changes.
You’re an angel. Thank you, Margie
(Kidney, liver) Hello Mary, I bought your Energizer machine last year and I am very satisfied with the results of using it every day for about 15-30 minutes. My kidney and liver functions were not optimal based on the blood tests. I had blood tests done every 4 months since then, 3 months after using the Energizer, my kidney and liver functions shows up normal. I had a complete physical exam last month and my blood test still shows that everything is normal. I am thinking of purchasing your Violet Ray wand. Is this readily available, what is the lead time for ordering this device? Thanks, Edgar
(Kidney) A man called me to order the Tesla Body Energizer because he had had a kidney transplant three years ago and wanted to add this to his regiment. I said aren’t you on immune suppressing medicines so that your body will not reject it thinking it is like a foreign object? He said yes and he has not been getting much better and now he wanted to try raising it. So, I sent it to him being a little reluctant, but he knew the risk. After three months of being on the machine for one to two hours a day he called me to tell me his incredible testimonial. He said for the first time all his blood work was in the normal range and the doctors did not understand why, he did not tell them what he was doing different. I was happy to hear that.
(Knee) Hi Mary, I had fallen on concrete hitting my right knee. It had been painful and swollen for two weeks. I had not been able to work since I hurt it. I came over to try your machine After being on the Energizer for ten minutes I rubbed my knee, it did not hurt any more. I stayed on for 20 more minutes and when I got off the swelling and pain were completely gone. It never bothered her again. Can’t wait to see what else it will do. Keep up the good work, Thanks Glenda
(Knee) OH my gosh! One Christmas, I slipped on the ice and slammed my knee on the road. I was out of town and could not get to my Energizer until the next day. I used it for an hour and all pain went away. Two weeks ago, I went exercising and the same knee area, well something happened inside my knee and the kneecap felt loose. So, for a week I could not get to my Energizer because I had lent it out. I was so scared That I would be crippled for life or need a knee surgery, I have no insurance. But I knew the Energizer has helped other people not get knee replacements or surgeries, so I had hope. As soon as I got it back, I used it for an hour in the morning, had to go to work but seemed not to help. The next morning, I used it for another hour and as soon as I got off the machine my pain was gone, it did not feel loose anymore. I could now bend it with no pain. This machine for me, has always been a blessing, IT SAVED ME AGAIN YEY!! Myself, Mary
(Lactic Acid, exercising, breathing class) Breathing Class caused me a lot of pain. One night I took a breathing class a couple years ago. This is a class on Tantra breathing, or yoga breathing. The instructor had us do very quick breaths for a long time. I was hyperventilating actually. Some people got dizzy. When i got home i went to sleep. In the middle of the night i started to have legs cramps and soon they got very painful. They both ached from my toes to my hips. I started to moan and woke my husband up. I tried walking it off and it did nothing. For about 20 minutes this went on until i got my husband to set up the Energizer for me. It had not been set up after I had lent it to a friend.
He said maybe I should go right to the emergency room since I we thought it might have something to do with an oncoming heart attack, never experiencing anything like this before. I said let me use the Energizer first. So, he got it setup and i used it for a half hour. I noticed after the first five minutes my legs started to feel better. I stayed on for at least another 45 minutes and got off to see if I could walk ok? All the pains had stopped using the machine within 15 minutes. Sure, enough as usual my Energizer saved me again. The pain was gone and never came back.
The next day I mentioned it to my girlfriend who went with me to the class, and she said it was a buildup of carbon dioxide in my body. So, I called the breathing instructor. She said yes, this is what happened. I told her if I had not had my Energizer, I would have been in the emergency room. So, no scientific way of proving it but it makes sense the Tesla Body Energizer got my blood flowing again in my legs and oxygenated them, plus releasing the pain or Carbon dioxide build up?
A couple years later I took an extremely hard exercise class for 2 hours. The man had us breathing only through our nose, some were also quick breaths, so I was worried about doing this as you could imagine. After the class was over, I told everyone in the group it was the first time I had exercised like that in ten years, or even exercised physically like that period. They clapped for me and someone said you are going to be super sore from this. I said maybe but as most of you know I have my Energizer at home. The ones that had their own said OH yeah, better get right on it.
It was a 45-minute drive home and when I opened the car door to get out, my legs barely worked. As I walked in the house my legs were shaking and they felt weak. I walked to the kitchen grabbed an orange, water and sat on the Energizer right away. I used the Energizer for a half hour. When I got off no weakness or shakiness. To my amazement I never got sore, absolutely no soreness even the next day. It was like I had never exercised. I know my body and if I had not had this machine, I would have been in bed for a week in agony with every muscle hurting. So, it had to have moved again the lactic acid build up out of me don't you think? This testimonial is from Myself, Mary
(Lyme) Hi Mary, Here's my testimonial for the amazing devices that I purchased from you. Sorry It wasn't sooner, however I actually wanted to take the time needed to really appreciate it the most myself, and I believe I have seen that happen now. I know that the movie "Coccoon" was playing on cable television today, and all I can think of saying is that this (Energizer)is the closest I have probably come to a "rejuvenating" experience like" the fountain of youth". Though my Lyme disease is not entirely gone, I am experiencing incredibly better health today than before, and am confident that even better health will come about soon as well. Thank you so much, David
(Lyme) Hello Mary, I am so grateful for your helping me to purchase this machine with the (then) promise to pay from my disability income, as at that time I didn't quite have the full amount to purchase it. It is certainly a bargain though and worth every penny and more, for sure. I also bought (on your good advice) from you the Scada Research RSG-2 (Bob Beck Zapper and Colloidal Silver Maker). I am proud to tell you that both are working out rather well for me, since first receiving them. Suffering from Lyme disease and other parasites for at least the last two years has been tough, and nothing had seemed to show any promise of helping the healing process in any significant way. I was experiencing constant head and neck pain, sore muscles, and fatigue due to very low energy levels. I was constantly falling asleep on the sofa and sleeping well into the afternoon on a daily basis, that is until I started using the "Tesla Energizer Healthl" machine. Now I can function normally, and with even less than normal amounts of sleep, and never uncontrollably falling asleep like before. It's as if I am now energized like a fully charged battery!
Though I haven't (after only two months use) actually eliminated all my lyme disease symptoms, absolutely unbelievable results have been seen, and I feel amazingly better after spending some time with the devices. I am replacing a mostly aching weak body, with one that is totally energized from the soles of my feet to the crown of my head, with hardly any trace of the previous aches. I use the glass bulb to erase those aching areas of my body such as my face, neck, arms and hands, by simply rubbing over those areas a multiple of times with the glass bulb, while grasping it well with either one or both hands, and the soothing relief it gives, is not only pleasure full and amazing, but lasting too. I also had an abscessed tooth back in December, that was driving me insane with pain that I had to take pain relievers throughout the day to deal with it. Now it seems miraculously that there is no pain problem there at all.
I am now manufacturing and drinking colloidal silver water and zapping my blood with the RSG-2, and my previous problems with intestinal parasites that plagued me for so long, seem to be almost nonexistent now. I almost forgot to mention too, my diabetic father-in-law, has been using the "Energizer" a number of times and has seen his blood sugar levels lowered from well over 200 before being on it, to just under 100 now, and that after only a few uses too. I am so impressed. It regenerated the blood among many other physiological activities. My wife tried the Energizer and like I hypothesized it "barely" lit up even at 120V. She is a martial arts instructor, extremely purely-high-spirited and healthy person, maybe that's why the machine could offer much help. My whole family has benefited from the machine. Mary
(Lupus, eyesight, energy) I had been sick for years and when I used your machine for the first time it was a miracle. Not only did I have less pain the next morning, but my eyesight improved. Now it’s a few days later and I am feeling better, Cant wait to see what more will happen, Hoping to completely recover. Ill let you know, Thank You So much. Sylvia
(Lupus, energy, eyesight, less pain) Thank you for letting me come over last week when the hospital refused me a blood transfusion. I was so weak when I came into your home. You placed me on the machine called the Energizer for I think about an hour. I have had Lupus for years and it makes me so fired all the time and pains all over my body. I have had a blood transfusion for the hospital, and it made me feel better but for only a couple days. Amazingly when I got off your machine, I felt just like I had a transfusion. I went to your guest bedroom soon after that and went to sleep. When I woke up in the morning, I felt great, I noticed I had energy and not much pain. Then when I was reading the newspaper, my granddaughter said to me “Grandma, your not wearing your glasses”. I stopped and realized for the first time in years I was reading without them. I said, well you got fresh blood circulation in your optic nerve I suppose. This energy stayed with me for a few weeks without getting back on it. I plan on ordering one very soon. Thank you again, Lorraine
(Menopause, knee, anti-aging) Hi Mary, Well, the Energizer has also amazed my mom. Her knee is doing very well due to the Energizer she and I believe. When she has pain, she goes for extra 10 min. Mom does the Energizer 2x 15 min. and has remarkable results as the specialist was very amazed that her wound and leg did progress so quickly. He does not see this so often he said. What is strange though is that my mom who will be 70 next year and had her menopause several years ago, is starting to have slight Moon time again, perhaps this is from the balancing effect. She went to her gynecologist, and they did a scan, but everything was normal!! When I stopped treating her with the energizer, mother stopped bleeding. Could it be of the balancing effect the Energizer has on her system or is this the antiaging effect, I think so, have nice weekend, from overseas, Holland
(Moles, Skin Tags) Mary, I’m very happy with your Energizer. I bought the machine mostly for my skin. I have skin tags and moles that I would like to get rid of. I have heard the skin tags are from a poor liver and moles are from viruses. Well after a month of using the machine three to four times a week from a half hour to an hour I have seen good results. So, I thought I would let you know. I had a mole that looked suspicious. I had had to have them taken off before, so I know they get cancerous. After about two weeks it just fell off. Saved me from a doctor’s appointment. Thank you! I see other moles starting to shrink. I notice my skin feels smoother and little lines are diminishing. I rub the bulb around my face even though you told me even by just holding the bulb in my hands it would work on my skin. It gives me more energy. The skin tags now are getting smaller and lighter in color, so I am sure it is charging up my liver. I have a friend who wants one now so I will get in touch.
Thanks so much, Hugs, Kerrie
(Nerve pain, spider bite) Mary, We love the Energizer. I would like to report that the nerve pain and damage in my leg from the spider bite is almost completely gone. What a blessing! Thank you so much for providing this machine. I"ll stay in touch. Much love, Barbara Fraze
(Numbness, skin tightening, neck pain) Hello Mary, PS: Remarkable things are happening as I use the Energizer. My nerves on the top of my feet were numb for months from using my inversion table. The feeling has come back on the top of my feet. I am considerably stronger in every aspect of my weight training and am going through my workouts faster. I have a bruise that healed overnight and my mind is clearer so I am able to get more done during the day. My chronic neck pain is less and my skin is tightening around my face and neck which makes me look younger. The Energizer is working! Joe, Palm Beach Florida
(Osteoporosis) Thanks, Mary. Here's my testimonial: My mother uses the Tesla Body Energizer Tool on a daily basis. At one point, she hurt her back. For a brief period of time, she stopped using the machine. She experienced pain and was only comforted when she used the machine. Her doctor diagnosed her with osteoporosis. She has opted only for natural treatment processes only. When using it, she is pain-free!!! Thank you, Mary! Aloha, Allie
(Pain) Mary, I am profoundly grateful for having purchased your wonderful machines and do thank you from the bottom of my heart for your excellent, helpful, warm, and friendly service. If I had I not come upon it, I would most probably still be experiencing a painful and weakened existence today. Thank you most sincerely, John D
(Parkinson’s) Dr Jose has two men with Parkinson’s coming to his clinic. One man he told me, he worked on that came back from Iraq. Dr Jose said it took only one week of sessions to completely stop his shaking. Then, another man, an older man that had this disease much longer took 3 months to stop his shaking. Dr. Jose who is a medical doctor in Mexico and a holistic doctor here says the machine regrows the Mylar sheaths as well as kill the germs that attack these men. I agreed, then I told him the physicians say there is no way to regrow them but here is proof.
(Peritonitis infection, stomach pain) Hi Mary, You saved my life
I want to tell you what happened to me. I had stomach pain for days and I thought it would just go away on its own. I have a friend who has an Energizer had me try it for a about an hour. It helped with my pain and gave me energy, but it was not healing. The pain was getting awful. On the fourth day I was in severe pain and my stomach was swollen like I was pregnant. I came back over, and I used the Energizer for 4 straight hours that day. Later I went to the hospital and when I told them I had this pain and swelling for 5 days they rushed me right into surgery. They pushed my surgery ahead of other surgeries that were scheduled. They thought I was going to die if they did not operate immediately, I found out I had a perforated stomach. The doctor said to me after the surgery that he had never seen anything like this before, my inside cavity was clean. No infection or peritonitis at all which I could have died from. The doctor told me it should have been a black ink like substance filling my stomach, but it was clear fluid. He took photos and called in other doctors to see it. He told me people die on the fifth day of having this problem. He asked me what I had done. I said I do not know what you mean I did nothing. I knew not to tell doctors because they mostly are not interested in alternative medicine. You explained that you thought the ozone killed the bacteria and flushed the black dead die off out of my system. I was thankful my friend had the Energizer. So, I bought one and get on it almost every day now. Thanks a lot, Tina S, Jacksonville
(Pneumonia) Hello Mary, I just returned from a very transformational trip from Egypt. I am still recovering from this. Came back with pneumonia and after sitting with the Energizer for 2 a 3 x I recovered. Now I skipped 2 days and I am tired again. So, the machine helps me with my lungs, also the O2 lack which I was born with. This helps my daughter with her skin and my father with his muscle in the left leg. And of course, my mother, Remember I told you of her operation on her left knee? Well, the wound recovered tremendously quick and looks beautiful, a part of the scar is already hardly to be seen with the naked eye!! She is so proud about it !! Her walking (lets say almost running LOL) recovered very quickly. Her knee which was very swollen due to the operation is normal again, also her ankle came back to normal thickness. Her physician is not only very pleased but wonders how she did this in such short time. She did not tell him it was the machine. She returned her supporting walking canes more than a month ago!!!Mom was operated on in January 05 and is fit to go on a spa holiday this weekend. How about this all? This is so wonderful. We are so pleased with the Tesla Body Energizer, Desy
(Prostate) Susan called me to tell me what has happened with her husband. She said her husband used the Energizer for an hour a day for seven days. He went to his doctor for a checkup and the doctor said to him, what have you been doing? In all of my career I have never seen this happen. Your prostate numbers have dropped dramatically. She asked me how this could happen. I said I have heard this many times. What the machine does is bring in the fresh oxygenated blood into the prostate and push out the old stuck toxic blood. It also brings in energy to it so it can start working the way it is supposed to.
(Sexual benefit) The Attack of the Hubba Habba, Listen up boys and girls. Mary was right she said one of the benefits of the Energizer is that it has a positive effect on your sex life. I will let her fill you in on how I did it but to describe how the first attack was, it went something like this: at 11:30 a.m. I was at home watching TV and it was like a wrenching feeling at my groin area. My friend starts to pop up on its own. The circulation has increased tremendously down there. I asked her why it is so good for the prostate gland? I said because of the blood circulation, getting in fresh blood and pushing out the old blood. I told him I hear this so much from the men that I should do a webpage on erectile improvement Just an aside: My eyes don’t hurt. Any more. Mr King in Chicago
(Sleep, swollen ankles) Hi Mary, This is Lucie. I set my machine up and sat my dad on it for 45 minutes. It made him feel relaxed. That night he had deep sleep and when he woke in the morning his swollen ankles were gone and felt reenergized. Can’t wait to put my mom on it, as well as some friends. I’ll keep in touch with any other testimonials, Thanks so much, Lucie
(Superman) My neighbor came over to borrow the machine for a couple days for her swelling. She had put her 12-year-old son on it only because he wanted to try it. He thought it was cool. She said he was on it for about 45 minutes and that day he came back and told her he felt like superman, he had so much energy and felt strong. The next day he told his classmates. That afternoon a few of his friends came over to try it. She told me she would not put the kids on the machine without parent consent. I said That’s a good thing.
(Thyroid) My girlfriend has a problem with her thyroid. It was enlarged and could not swallow very well. The doctors want to something to it. She is scared to have that procedure done. So, I put her on my Energizer Tool for 30 minutes. She did not hold the bulb up to her throat only kept the bulb in her hands. When she got off, she could swallow much better since the swelling of her thyroid went down. So, I’ll keep putting her on it now, Cape Canaveral Florida
(Thyroid, sleep apnea) Dear Reverend Mary, I like to hold the bulb with two hands, of course, but touch my neck where the thyroid gland is located. I keep it there about 5 minutes, and I've noticed that I do not have so much trouble keeping my airway open at night now. You see, with an enlarged thyroid gland, there is a problem with weight over the trachea and it makes you feel like you can't breathe at night. Also, the airway is narrower (from the swelling) and I had been sleeping with my head back and off to the side to keep the passage open. Now I notice that I haven't done that in more than a month after I started putting the bulb on my thyroid. For me, that is wonderful because I used to wonder if I'd even wake up the next morning or die because my airway closed, and I was so tired that I could not wake up in time to make myself breathe. I am wondering if it's helping with my snoring/Sleep Apnea problem. I spent the night at my sister's last week and I was told that I did not snore until very early in the morning, and it was a very soft snore. My sister is merciless, usually. If my Sleep Apnea has improved, that would be the reason I wake up feeling so rested in the mornings now. Thank You So Much, you’re an angel, Becky
(Urination, back pain)) Mark has had constant pain for many years. He is 45years old, he has arthritis and a degenerative disk in his lower back. He has been a smoker and drinker since a teenager. He used the Energizer for a half-hour. He told me about a half-hour after the session his back pain was almost gone completely and stayed that way all day. He got back on it the next day and he started to experience a detoxifying effect. It cleaned out his bowels, but it was not diarrhea. When he urinated, the color changed from dark to yellow/clear. This means the body is getting rid of its toxins, heavy metals, chemicals. all kinds of unwanted things. Another time he had prostrate pain for two weeks, he went back to get on the Energizer and stayed on it for an hour. After he got off the pain was gone, came back a little next day then was gone for a few weeks. Now he bought one and we will see what happens.
(Uterine fibroids, juvenile arthritis) Lisa with fibroids on her nervous system. For the last year she has been in pain and the only thing that helps her get out of pain is the Energizer Tool her mom told me. A little 7-year-old with juvenile arthritis has been suffering in pain until she gets on the machine and now, she is pain free her mom told me.
(Uterine fibroids, palpitations, fatty lump, tooth ache) Myself, I stayed on the Energizer for a half-hour the first night we had bought it. I noticed I stayed up later than usual that night and the next day the bump of infection I had over my lip was 2/3 gone, I had had it for 3 months. Also, that night was the first night in months I could sleep through the night without waking up. My nose had been so dry every night that I could not breathe through it, I did not know why but t is back to normal. Also, my uterus has large fibroids, enlarged, and is tilted. For about a week I had a constant feeling of vibration inside my belly. I figured it was not getting circulation, I assumed. I decided to use the machine for a couple hours one day. The Energizer must have brought the flow of blood to it because now it no longer bothers me, and I was ready for an emergency hysterectomy but now I feel I can take care of this myself. As time passed, I developed weight gain, high blood pressure and sometimes I got heart palpitations especially after eating. When that occurred, I would get on my Energizer and every time it stopped the palpitations. I assumed it was helping me digest my food. I believe it opened my circulation and raised my heart energy.
Also, one morning I woke up with a severe toothache, the pain went into my temple and ear, instead of running to the dentist as I normally would have, I used my Energizer for an hour and WOW! The pain was completely gone, even the ear and temple pain, the swollen gland I had was gone the next day. I am sure the Energizer moved the toxic blood out of my mouth bring in the fresh oxygenated blood. I read that a dentist uses ozone to kill the bacteria of his patients tooth in one minute and because of this, it kills their pain. The Energizer has helped break down some fat lumps on my arms that had caused pain. Also, if I get a catch a cold, I barely feel the effects of it like others if at all. This testimonial is from myself.
(Vascular, colon, asthma) Hi Mary, I have three testimonials. My friend Rudy had a vesicular operation since he had stones, however a side effect was that he had to go frequently to the restroom every time he ate with a sort of diarrhea for the next 4 years after the operation. After using the Energizer for 3 times, he did not go to the restroom the third day until later that day, which he thought was weird. For the first time in 4 years after the operation, he began to go to the restroom normally and did not have diarrhea ever since.
Also, my cousin who is 9 years old has asthma and after using the Energizer one time, her asthma state did not reoccur for that month, and this is just after 1 session.
My older cousin has chronic colon pain for more than 3 years of which doctors had prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs and fiber; this did not help for long. After using the device 6 times, she had unbearable pain one night at the colon. She has not suffered from the pain ever since. Edwin A.C
(Veins, energy, chest) Hi Mary, I am really starting to notice the effects of the Energizer! Wow! Today, I am feeling tingling sensation in my feet all day long (really might be the blood circulating properly for once!). Next my feet turning a pink color. They used to be more of a yellowish color. I am also noticing my arms tingle a too, but not as much as my feet. My hands are starting to look much better and veins on the back them have faded away (I mean not protruding out of my skin.) Today Friday, I am feeling much more energetic! And like I told you yesterday, my low G.I. track is working really well. The colonics, though I know do a lot, have not caused what the Energizer has done. Stuff comes out so much better, better formed, not as often, but more volume. Nice benefit there.
My upper chest area is starting to clear up and the skin is starting to look more reddish colored, not yellowish like before. The dandruff stuff is just flaking off and clearing up. I’ve started placing the bulb all over this area for about 10 minutes at 105v. I also have rolling the bulb all over my belly area and groin area. And man does the bulb pickup gunk from my skin! Like you, I place the bulb over my navel.
I really think the extra jump in voltage from 95 to 105 has made a difference too (I’ve even made it to 115v!). Or maybe that I’ve been on the machine one hr in the evening and one hr in the morning is helping too. But today, I’m really noticing feeling so much better. The Energizer kicks booty that’s for sure. I’m really glad to have this unit. Thanks again for all your help.-Scott Take care,
(wrinkles) Mary, I am so amazed at my changes so far. As for myself all my wrinkles have gone, and I am 52 years old even the deep wrinkle above lip. Also, my hair was growing back for the time I gad the intensity on low. When I turn it up higher it grew even faster. I want this machine for my mother, it seems to give her energy and pain relief. Chat soon, Ivan In OntarioBelow is my blood work before and after the Energizer. The photo on the left is my sticky red blood cells after eating ice cream. This is also caused by my blood being dehydrated. This is a dangerous condition called Rouleaux. Some people use blood thinners to keep the blood flowing freely. Then I used my Tesla Body Energizer for only 20 minutes and retook my blood under the microscope. Now, the photo on the right shows my blood is unstuck and bouncing off of each other and flowing quickly across the test slide. I now have normal healthy blood from my machine. This Sticky blood causes swelling, pain and all kinds of disease. Thank God I have my machine.
Below is my blood work before and after the Tesla Body Energizer. The photo on the left is my sticky red blood cells after eating ice cream. This is also caused by my blood being dehydrated. This is a dangerous condition called Rouleaux. Some people use blood thinners to keep the blood flowing freely. Then I used my Energizer for only 20 minutes and retook my blood under the microscope. Now, the photo on the right shows my blood is unstuck and bouncing off of each other and flowing quickly across the test slide. I now have normal healthy blood from my machine. This Sticky blood causes swelling, pain and all kinds of disease. Thank God I have my machine