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       My 20 Healing Inventions


Since a young teenager, many times I would have thoughts on how to improve a device. So, it seems natural Ito me that I  would have these inventions. My first 3 unusual healing items are my Inventions Co-created by Robin Elkins. They are no longer available, until I can find someone else who can make them for me again. Do you know anyone? My inventor friend, Robin Elkins, has unfortunately passed on.
God Bless Him



1. My first invention was the Bio-Energy Meter.
I had Robin in 2002 make this meter so I could quickly and easily measure peoples body voltage. I was fascinated by this concept. This invention Robin Elkins made this for me. I had it first made to be placed on the wrist but that did not work properly so we made it this way.
  Noble prize winner Otto Warburg states that cancer is -15mv of the cell, an aged cell is around -50mv, and a healthy cell is -70mv or little higher. It is important to keep up the electrical charge of the cells to maintain optimal health. Measure the electrical overall body voltage in your cells, your foods, plants, or trees. Most people I have tested register around -50mv to -70mv.
  In order to stay healthy, you must eat the foods of the highest electrical values. There are a million chemical processes going on at every given second. We are huge chemical factories. If the cells enter electrical difficulty, meaning the millivolts (mv) of the cells are low, then the chemical processes that need to take place cannot occur. We need a high charge in our cells for this to work properly. 
  Our healthy foods are made up of positive and negative charges. This creates a battery, and when you place the electrodes in the foods you want to test, you can see the differences. The more live fresh foods full of enzymatic reactions, the higher the millivolts are. Foods that do not create much of a battery are the lowest mv values. You can test an orange and retest a few days later and watch how the electrical energy is draining out of it as it dies. This is done by placing the metal electrodes into the food or liquid. This is the same concept as our own body’s cells. The more electrical power we have, the healthier we are. The older or sicker a person is, the less mv they have. The younger, the healthier the person is the higher the meter reads. Test yourself every day to get an average of your body’s voltage.
  Every cell in our body has a tiny battery in it and the electricity energy can be drained out of it every day from stress, disease, injury, aging, not exercising, poor eating habits, not breathing correctly etc. There are ways to recharge your cells. Use the meter before and after experiments for proof
1. The Tesla Body Energizer- This is a machine that acts as an actual battery charge to the cells.
2. The Violet Ray Device- Another machine that acts like a battery charge to the cells. These two machines are very powerful healing devices for the body. 
3. Exercise, see how it raises or starts to drain you. Bring it into the gym, everyone wants to try it.
4. Breathing exercises, see how it raises or lowers
5. Just walk and see if your energy drains or increases. It is supposed to increase because the hips as you walk acts like a generator to your heart and charge you up. If it lowers, then most likely you are sick and need to try everything to raise it up until walking shows you are charging again. There have been a couple of people I have checked that when they walk the Mv’s lower. They have been terribly ill people. Interestingly, their body is losing the charge, as if their body has an electrical short circuit. They are losing their energy instead of gaining. More research needs to be done on this.
6. Sleeping recharges, the cells. Check before you get out of bed and throughout the day.
7. Before, and after sex, drinking water, juicing, hands on healing, holding your pets or child, meditation, over pain area, praying over food, scream negative words at the person holding the meter, etc.
8. Before and after laughing because it really does charge up the body. There is a book called Bending Spoons with Your Mind, Using Mind Power To Attain The Ultimate In Personal Growth!  by Rev. E.M Camarena. PhD. On page 84 he talks about my Bio Energy Meter. He talks about how he watched the meter raise from laughing. It is a very interesting book that I suggest reading.

Be creative, have fun but write down your research. Keep track in a book and send me your discoveries. Help me to do this research. Food literally is our energy, fuel, just like when you put gas in our cars, and it is truly our medicine. Eat the highest mv of foods.
                                Do the “Mary’s Milli-Volt Diet”  
Do not eat anything you think is too low in voltage, like processed
sugary foods. Potato chips create no Mv’s at all. It gives you no electrical value. Your body thinks of it as a foreign object and now must try to get rid of it. A cup of grape juice is 85.5Mv. This is the highest of any fresh juice that I have measured so far. Most foods at -30 to -50mv but fresh raw vegetables and fruits are the highest. 
Hello Mary, I have been doing this Mary’s Mill-Volt diet, and I have lost 16 pounds this past month. I measure each food before I eat it. This way I am eating the highest Mv’s. I can measure fruit to see if it is fresh or old. I can check the meats, vegetables, breads and so forth. I am doing research on adding up the Mv’s during the day to see how much Mv’s is the best to stimulate my metabolism and give the body the electrical power to burn calories.
  Hello Mary, I need to tell an amazing story. The moment my laughter started; my meter reading shot straight up! To my astonishment, the laughter increased my body’s energy level as measured by the Bio Energy Meter. I repeated the experiment, thinking that perhaps the sudden, unexpected appearance of my raucous laughter may have simply shocked me into a higher level. The laughter raised my energy reading. I did further tests on myself on other objects and got similar readings each time. At last, I had scientific proof of the old axiom that placing around laughter increases energy, vitality, health, and healing.
  A Russian women scientist is the head of a holistic clinic in Russia for 30 years, she is a bioengineer. She went over my website, and within a few days, she visited me to talk about this meter. She wanted to talk to Robin and me about getting a grant for research. She feels this is especially important information to get out to the public. Unfortunately, the grant never went to the application stage. Again, I ask for your help to find someone who can make these.
  Noble prize winner Otto Warburg states that cancer is -15mv of the cell, an aged cell is around -50mv, and a healthy cell is -70mv or little higher. It is important to keep up the electrical charge of the cells to maintain optimal health. Measure the electrical overall body voltage in your cells, your foods, plants, or trees. Most people I have tested register around -50mv to -70mv.
  In order to stay healthy, you must eat the foods of the highest electrical values. There are a million chemical processes going on at every given second. We are huge chemical factories. If the cells enter electrical difficulty, meaning the millivolts (mv) of the cells are low, then the chemical processes that need to take place cannot occur. We need a high charge in our cells for this to work properly.








2. My second was the Bio-Energy Tuner that came to us in a dream.
  One day back in 2003 a past customer called me and said that a dentist placed a tiny multi-wave oscillator inside a man's tooth, and it grew back. I found that very interesting, so I asked Robin if he would make me a small device that would emit the frequency of 520Hz. I told him if people wore that frequency, they might have better health for their teeth, bones, and overall health improvement. He said he would think about it. The next night
I had a psychic dream of a woman who looked to be about 50 years old. She was wearing a white shirt and skirt and had short black hair. She showed me a design of a simple-looking electronic device that she wanted me to make. It was a little electrical device attached to the forehead with wires attached to the feet and wrists. This is to affect the positive and negative sides of the body. You can connect these wires to someone lying next to you to share your dreams and energies. I woke right up, stunned at what I had just seen. I knew it was not just a dream, but it meant something important enough for a woman to show it to me in my dream.
  The next day I called Robin and asked if they make tiny multi-wave oscillators yet, he said no, but wait. He said, this is amazing; there is a pamphlet that came in the mail today about tiny multi-wave oscillators. He was excited to tell me this information was now sitting on his desk and how weird it was that this had happened. I did not tell him about my dream.
  Then the next day, he called me and asked me to come over. He needed to talk to me about a dream he had last night. He said he had a dream last night of a schematic. He described the exact same device with the wires and a tiny MWO connected to the forehead, wrist, and feet. He said the same thing that it was to exchange dreams and energies. I said Oh My God, Robin, did you see a lady? He said No, only the schematics. I told him that I had the exact same dream, but the only difference was mine had this lady showing me this device. I said this is why I called you yesterday.
  We agreed we must create this because it has to be important for humanity. Enough so that this woman had to cross into another dimension twice to get it to both of us. After you read about this miraculous tiny device you and please read the testimonials you will realize how important it is to find someone to make I for me again.
  This is an amazing one-of-a-kind device that you can wear around your neck or place in your pocket. It emits 23 healthy frequencies that your energy body picks up through the chakras and are placed where they need to go. It has biofeedback that takes the body's negative, unhealthy frequencies and inverts them to healthy frequencies. It has a small LED light for color frequencies and a magnetic field. There is no wearable device like this on the market. It is only 2” x 3”.
  People experience increased physical energy, increased mental energy, and less pain for as long as they wear it. Increased physical strength is instantly proven by muscle testing. People experience enhanced athletic performance like running faster, lifting weights easier, better accuracy at golf, improvement in tennis, etc. This device came to me one night in my dream, and then it came to him the next night. A woman showed it to me, and the night when Robin dreamt of it, he was shown the schematics, even without us talking about it to each other. We decided it had to be built since it was important enough to be shown to us in our dreams. After reading the testimonials, you will see how important this device is.
  Hi Mary, I used the Bio Energy Tuner when I played golf today. I was amazed how it gave me energy during my game and even after the game. I was more accurate with the ball and could hit the ball farther. This device should be sold in all the golf pro shops. Lee  
  Mary, I must tell you about my experiment last night. I went to bed with a swollen lymph node under my left arm. Strange for me that this has happened. So normally I would just use the Energizer or the Violet ray on the lymph node to flush it. This time though I took the Bio Energy Tuner and placed it with the light facing down on my lymph node and fell asleep about midnight. I woke up at 3 a.m. and felt the lymph node. There was no pain at all, and it was not swollen anymore. I was really amazed; I did not think in three hours or less it could stop that pain because swollen lymph nodes become kind of hard and swollen tight with germs. Pretty cool! I thought, Michael
  Hey Mary, My Bio Energy Tuner, what a weird testimonial I have. I sat on my couch as I was turning on the Tuner for the first time, I said to myself, "OH I can't stand this heat". I live in California, and it is summertime. I was thinking this as I turned it on and all the sudden a rush of coldness flew through my body. It immediately lowered my body temperature. I have never experienced anything like that before and do not understand it. I was thinking something then it happened. I could feel it clearing energy around my chest, that I understand. Mary, asked Robin who makes them, and he says the Bio Energy Tuner has AI, artificial intelligence. Looking forward to seeing what else it will do for me and my wife. Is this magic? Kyle
  Hi Mary, I Check blood pressure before and after and at different times during the day. Example: I have the wrist cuff that does it electronically. So, this morning I was sitting for about twenty minutes at the computer. I checked my own blood pressure; it was 145 over 85; not very good but is my normal pressure. So, I turned on the Bio Energy Tuner and left it on my chest for 1 minute then retested. I was stunned because it was 121 over 76. I have not had that kind of blood pressure since a teenager. Then I had my friend test it. I had him sit for ten minutes and then tested his blood pressure with the cuff on his wrist. It was 125 over 75. He said it was normal for him. Then I placed the Tuner on his chest for a minute and retested him without talking. It was down to 116 over 64. When I muscle tested him, he was extremely strong so much so that with all my strength, I could not get his arm down. Without him using the Tuner, I could get his arm down with just two fingers. He was that weak. Thank You, Bill
  Hello Mary, I noticed after a few minutes of wearing it I had tingling in my shoulder and neck area. It is interesting since I have a problem right there. Now my friend wants one, Amy 
  Hi Mary, I held the Tuner in my hand for about five minutes to feel the energy. I am very sensitive to energies. It was amazing that I had tingling right in my bad tooth where I have a bad infection. In fact, I had a dentist appointment a couple hours later for that tooth. I suppose it was trying to work on the infection. Dr Rob, Florida
  Dear Rev. Mary, I want to let you know that the Bio Energy Tuner device we bought from you really works. I was like the ever-ready bunny at work. One of my co-workers said what are you taking? I showed him the tiny device and he said I think maybe I need one of those. We love your products. We are also addicted to the Energizer and use it every day. Thank you for all your help and kindness. May God bless you for helping me and so many other people. Clay and Robyn, Warrenton MO
  Greetings Mary. I am currently studying psychobiology at UCLA. So I'm amazed at the remarkable effectiveness of these devices. The first time I used the Bio-tuner, I had vivid dreams in a long REM sleep which evidently is correlating to better memory and mental clarity. I have a feeling it is decreasing my stress cortisol levels which can equal to dozens of benefits. I also feel great mental clarity and less anxious. Edwin
  As one client put the Bio Energy Tuner against her navel and remembers an upsetting situation, she found that its emotional intensity dissolved within minutes., Robert
  For myself I was doing my first presentation for this device. When I started to speak, I was kind of monotone and felt nervous. Then as I turned on the Tuner to show people the light, right when I did, I became more animated in my speaking. I started to smile and feel energy as I spoke, but it was someone in the audience who spoke out in front of everyone to tell me the difference it had just made. So, it actually helped my speaking ability and concentration.
  Hello Mary, A result I got this morning is from a friend of mine. He is 53 and has done drugs and alcohol since a teenager, and for the last 6 months, his body, physical strength, energy, and mind has been deteriorating. So, in the morning the other day I lent him the Bio Energy Tuner. He wore it as a necklace, but he had it over his back not on the front of his chest. When nighttime came, he called to tell him he had tremendous energy. He did not have to take a nap as he does every day, and he needed no pain pills as he does every day. His chronic shoulder pain went away for the first time in a year. His energy he said was unbelievable, no nervous energy but so much energy that he did a lot of things he has been putting off. His mental clarity was great, he said he remembered where everything was, and he thought of new ideas. He said it even gave him the feeling of joy and ambition. His girlfriend saw the difference in him. He also said about 12 hours after wearing it, he asked his girlfriend to crack his back to relieve pressure. She has not been able to do this for the last 6 months for him. So, she was able to crack his back with him hearing in his spine 20 cracking sensations. His back got a lot of relief, but he said the Tuner loosened him up for it. I said to sleep with it, and we'll chat more tomorrow. In the morning, he said it was the first night he stayed up until midnight instead of going to sleep about 9pm. He only woke up one time during the night when he usually wakes up 3 to 5 times a night to pee, thanks so much      Hi Mary, I would like to tell you about my friend's injured wrist. She fell on ice going into her house a few weeks back and injured her wrist trying to break her fall. The wrist hadn't recovered from the impact yet. This morning she took me to breakfast, so I grabbed my tuner to take along with us, and when we got seated at the restaurant, she rested the wrist over my Bio Energy tuner for about 15 Mins. She was amazed at how good it felt, and the nerve flow was restored. Midge
  Hello Mary, I want to tell you I like the Tuner. I wear it when I run, and it makes me run faster and longer then when I do not wear it. Thanks Edwin
  Hi Mary, I've tested the Tuner with 9 people (including myself) so far, and to my amazement, it has strengthened everyone when testing it with regular kinesiology! I noticed recently that I'm weak/sensitive to dates which I happen to love but when I turned on the Tuner and held it against my stomach together with a bag of dates, I became instantly strong. Other examples: I tested a woman for her moist snuff (a form of tobacco we have here in Sweden) and it turned out that the snuff makes her EXTREMELY weak; I could very easily press her arm down with one finger. Then she held the snuff and the Tuner against her stomach and voilá, she was instantly strong! And I don't mean just a little stronger but rather something like 10 times stronger!!
  When another woman held it against her stomach, she felt a warmth in her stomach/lower abdomen. I asked her if she suffered from any problems in that region and she said no, but that she had her period. Makes sense!, John in Australia
  HI Mary, I love my Tuner. It has helped me get rid of my phobias, depression, and my procrastination. I will be ordering one for my father. Thank You, Becky
  Hi Mary, I started to try the Bio Energy Tuner a couple of hours at a time. It is very subtle, but I felt more balanced with it, it seems to balance out my energy field. Also, I feel it elevates my mood, Dan
  Hi Mary, it has really helped my cough and cold. I've been sick for almost 3 weeks, and the medicine the doctor gave me made me worse, I started throwing up. It was hard for me to watch my grandkids when I felt so bad. The first day I put on the tuner at 2:30pm, by that night I was already coughing less, by morning I couldn't believe how much better I felt. I let my 12-year-old granddaughter wear it for a while because she was sick and by the next day she was almost well. I guess the smaller you are the better it works. Right now, I just a have a little cough left but I feel great, Nancy.
  You see why we need to find someone to make these again.









3. My third invention was the Bio-Chi Meter, electronic muscle testing
In 2004 I had Robin make me a wearable kinesiology device. This had never been done. This device would be for people to wear on their wrists so it would be easy to for testing whatever was needed. So, he created the Bio-Chi Meter, a one-of-a-kind kinesiology device. This was used instead of a physical muscle testing by using a person arm, instead this is electronic muscle testing.
  This can instantly test food, supplement, cigarettes, drinks, for example, or any substance to see if it is draining your energy or giving you energy, in other words to see if it is harmful or good for you. Now you can prove this concept by walking through a grocery store, and instantly test the foods just by touching them to see if the light turns green, meaning it is giving you energy, or if it turns red, that shows it is taking away your energy.
  See if your mate, co-worker, family members, or friends are literally draining your energy, or maybe you are draining theirs. Even in some cases but not all, it can show when your aura touches another person’s aura showing either the red or green light. This happens when your about 4 feet apart from each other. Hold your child, your pet or just have fun experimenting with it, touch everything. Touch your spouse to see if some days they take your electrical energy from you and some days they give it back. 
  How to use it; it is simple, hold the two metal electrodes in each hand. Then turn the dial until you can get the green and red light to come on at the same time. Then you are ready for your experiment. For example, hold a banana and see if it turns green showing it is healthy for you, or red showing it is unhealthy. For some people, a banana turns red, this means it could be possible you have an allergic reaction but do not know it without muscle testing or testing with this device. An orange always turns green for people. A green light means you are charging your cells up with tiny amounts of electricity so your body can perform better. Just like the way you charge up your cell phone to make it work. We really are a big battery.
  This can be used for Hands-On Healing sessions to see who is really giving who the healing energy. You can do breathing exercises to see how it raises, do physical exercise like walk and see if it will raise or lower. 
  Does your pet give you energy or take it away? Puppies and children are so full of energy the light should turn green. Test sitting at the computer does it drain you, and if so, do something to protect yourself from the harmful EMFs. Try a kissing experiment does it turn green or red. Test your personal care products like toothpaste or deodorant.
  Take it in a nightclub and know who the energy vampire is. If you are sitting at work and it shows the person next to you is draining, you then you can see if you move your chair about 6 inches or so until their aura is not affecting yours. While standing next to someone in a line of people, let the meter show you if you need to stand a little more apart from that person. 
  This can show that the sicker the person will unknowingly take your energy to fill their cells. Scream negative words to someone who is using it, does it turn red? Then try saying loving words and see if it turns green. I need someone to help make this again, do You know anyone?

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4. My fourth was the Herbal Cushion but now updated to the Tesla Herbal Crystal Magnetic Cushion
In 2005 I created the Herbal Cushion that helped people have more energy when they sit on it. It has been updated in 2022 to have an added magnet and Tesla charged raw crystals.

  This has taken extensive research to find these frequencies emitting from this cushion, that has been proven by an electromagnetic (Aura) camera. This is an aura photo of the seat cushion I bought for this experiment. I placed inside certain healing energizing items, charged with my Tesla Coil, that I had tested with my aura camera and saw they all emitted the color red individually. Red is the strongest energy giving color to the body, the root chakra. I took the photo of the cushion before and saw no aura. After I placed everything inside, I retook this aura photo. Now there’s an amazing powerful red aura. This shows why when people buy these from me and use them at work that they have more energy to get through the day or their eyes don’t get so tired. It should be used while driving for more alertness.







This Aura Photo is of the Calming Cushion. You can see the calming violet and blues colors this cushion emits. This is Alan sitting on the cushion and notice how he has the same aura.

                     Muscle Testing (Kinesiology) proves this.
To see an immediate energy difference is easy to prove.
Just sit on a chair without the cushion and lift the heavy books piled on top of each other on your lap. Get a feel for the weight by lifting them up and down slowly a few times, then have someone place the energy cushion on the back of the chair and sit back against it.  Then lift the books slowly and down, see how they feel lighter. Pull the cushion away, lift the books up and down again, now they are heavy. You will be amazed. The cushion improves circulation immediately; it’s like an instant battery charge. Try this with your friends and family, it will blow their minds. I can make one for you or send me a cushion or you can bring your own cushion. Each cushion will be different from the next because they are custom made. I can make the cushion as big as you like.

raw powered White Quartz, Violet Amethyst, Dark Blue Lapis lazuli, Light Blue Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Green Malachite, Yellow Citrine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper and Black Grounding Obsidian
Either one I custom make these for $70.00 Shipping not included.

5. My fifth was the Orgone Blanket
In 2006 I learned about William Riech, and Orgone energy. He described in his book how to make an orgone blanket. This is the orangish yellow aura photo of it taken back then. The photo next to it is me sitting on an orgone cushion I made.
In 20
22 I updated it with adding magnets and the Tesla charged raw Crystals. So now the name is 
                                          My Tesla Orgone Crystal Magnetic Cushion
This Orgone cushion is infused with orgone energy. This aura photo shows red, orange, and yellow in its energy field. This shows how it can stimulate the lower chakras or, the lower physical body. This cushion interestingly has the energy field of a young child, which is full of energy and will stimulate your CHI. Plus, there are benefits such as improving circulation, which helps with pain, getting the lymph flowing, and assimilating oxygen, and releasing toxins.
    Wilhelm Reich claimed to have discovered this life energy he called "orgone" back in the 1930s. He claimed that the universal energies accumulate in the cushion and could cure all ailments. Orgone blankets are being used in hospitals in Japan. The orgone material acts as a conductor of your body’s bioelectricity, stimulating your acupuncture points and improving CHI or Life Energy flow.

 Have a friend muscle test your strength while laying or sitting on it. Lay on your back and hold your arm straight up. Have your friend try to push your arm back down to your side. Then put the blanket over you and redo this test. You will find your arm will not go down as easily as without the blanket over you. You will find the blanket gives you more strength.
   Testimonial: This woman called me who bought the orgone blanket. She said after two weeks, she no longer has hip pain from using the blanket. I said Great, I am sure the blanket is improving your blood flow while you sleep and keeping your chi moving.               

   This has taken extensive research to find these frequencies emitting from this cushion, that has been proven by an electromagnetic (Aura) camera. This is an aura photo of a seat cushion I bought for this experiment. I placed inside certain healing energizing items, some charged with my Tesla Coil, that I had tested with my aura camera and saw they all emitted the color red individually. Red is the strongest energy giving color to the body, the root chakra. I took the photo of the cushion before and saw no aura. After I placed everything inside, I retook this aura photo. Now there’s an amazing powerful red aura. This shows why when people buy these from me and use them at work that they have more energy to get through the day or their eyes don’t get so tired. It should be used while driving for more alertness.

heavy. You will be amazed. The cushion improves circulation immediately; it’s like an instant battery charge. Try this with your friends and family, it will blow their minds. I can make one for you or send me a cushion or you can bring your own cushion. Each cushion will be different from the next because they are custom made.
           Muscle testing (Kinesiology) proves this.
To see an immediate energy difference is easy to prove.
Just sit on a chair without the cushion and lift the heavy books piled on top of each other on your lap. Get a feel for the weight by lifting them up and down slowly a few times, then have someone place the energy cushion on the back of the chair and sit back against it.  Then lift the books slowly and down, see how they feel lighter. Pull the cushion away, lift the books up and down again slowly and see how they are heavy. 

   This Orgone cushion is infused with orgone energy. This aura photo shows red, orange, and yellow in its energy field. This shows how it can stimulate the lower chakras or, the lower physical body. This cushion interestingly has the energy field of a young child, which is full of energy and will stimulate your CHI. Plus, there are benefits such as improving circulation, which helps with pain, getting the lymph flowing, and assimilating oxygen, and releasing toxins.

   Wilhelm Reich claimed to have discovered this life energy he called "orgone" back in the 1930s. He claimed that the universal energies accumulate in the cushion and could cure all ailments. Orgone blankets are being used in hospitals in Japan. The orgone material acts as a conductor of your body’s bioelectricity, stimulating your acupuncture points and improving CHI or Life Energy flow.

   Have a friend muscle test your strength while laying or sitting on it. Lay on your back and hold your arm straight up. Have your friend try to push
your arm back down to your side. Then put the blanket over you and redo this test. You will find your arm will not go down as easily as without the blanket over you. You will find the blanket gives you more strength.

  Testimonial: This woman called me who bought the orgone blanket. She said after two weeks, she no longer has hip pain from using the blanket. I said Great, I am sure the blanket is improving your blood flow while you sleep and keeping your chi moving. 

This has Tesla Coil charged raw crystal powered White Quartz, Violet Amethyst, Dark Blue Lapis lazuli, Light Blue Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Green Malachite, Yellow Citrine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper and Black Grounding Obsidian
I make this cushion for $70.00 and an orgone blanket 4ft x 6ft for $300.00. Email or call me if interested.
  PLace Order Here

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This first aura photo is of Bobby with a neck pain in his right side, notice how there is no aura.

This is Bobby after a 20 min session. His neck pain is gone and has a powerful grounded aura that healed him.

This photo is my aura while sitting on the Orgone cushion.

6. My sixth invention was the Copper Healing Plates back in 20010
In 2010 I leaned about the Eeman Bio-Circuits. They are two copper screens with two copper pipes to hold onto similar to mine. They are very amazing results healing people. In 2022 I updated them to copper plates with the Tesla charged raw crystals meant to stay inside the copper pipes. So, now they are called the Tesla Copper Crystal Healing Plates.

   I have seen excellent results for people in 20 minutes to relieve migraines, illness, and pain. Edgar Cayce states that when the aura accumulates in one area, this can cause pain and disease. He explains that these Copper Plates circulate the aura by moving the stuck energy. For example, if you have a migraine, it is because there is too much energy that has accumulated over the head.
The Healing Copper Plates will move that down and balance the energy. I have added a feature: you can open the top of the copper pipes to place inside any substance so your chakras can absorb the
vibration of that substance, such as pot,
CBD, vitamins, herbs, crystals, gemstones, and essential oils or crystals. The raw powdered gemstones recommended by Nikola tesla I place inside the copper hand holds. These are Tesla Coil charge raw powered White Quartz, Violet Amethyst, Dark Blue Lapis lazuli, Light Blue Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Green Malachite, Yellow Citrine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper and Black Grounding Obsidian

   You can place the Plates against your flesh or wear light cotton clothing. You can sit on the screen and lean back on the upper screen or lay in bed with one screen under the small of your back and the other under your neck. You can connect two people to share energies. If you have two sets of the Healing Copper Plates. You can use them to energize the weaker one who is tired or ill. The weaker person will take energy from the healthy one and use it for healing. If both are both are healthy, then they will charge each other. Studies were done with placing up to 6 people together in a circuit, giving one sick person a powerful energy boost. 


                                                  Healing Copper Plates Testimonials.

    Hi Mary, I think it would be better to call you to tell you about my experience with the copper plates. It has been great. I am getting a little more sleep and hope to do even better after a while. It gives me a little more stamina but so much so that I wasn't able to go to sleep until 2:30 am. I just laid on it for 15 min. Instead of 20 and I went back to sleep. I can regulate it that way, Isn't that something? My blood pressure has been down also, and one day it went up, and I just got out the Plates and laid on them for a few minutes and took my BP, and it went back down. I love it, thanks to you. I still think about what Dear, Sweet girl you are, and I brag about you every chance I get. Love you so much, Jeanne   

    Dear Mary, thank you for the Healing Copper Plates. I have been using them for 2 days, and they really work so well for me. I have had neck pain that seems to want to stay with me. But I used them, and it's gone, and my hips are better too. I feel so relaxed too.  Thank you., Many blessings, Susan

    Hi Mary, I woke up with a cold/flu and 101 fever when everyone was getting sick in the winter months. I laid down on my copper plates, and within 5 minutes, I could feel a cooling feeling in my body as if someone had turned on the air conditioning inside me. It felt very strange but good. In 30 minutes on the screens, I got up and retook my temperature. I was amazed to see I was down a whole degree and a half. Marty

    Hello Mary, I wanted to tell you that the aching pain in my hands and arms has stopped. When I lay on the screens, I wind up falling asleep. I started with 15 minutes, and now I go up to 30 for each session. Sometimes I forget to move them first, I just pass out. The planes and other outside noises do not seem to affect me as much at night now. I have noticed my stamina and energy levels are better. Even when I stay up late, I can still get up early and keep going. It seems I've a built-in alarm clock I never knew about. I wake up between 6:45-7am every morning. This heat has been unbearable, but surprisingly, I am dealing with it better. This may sound crazy, but I have noticed my chin is toning up, and my neck looks better. I suppose it's the plates as I'm not doing anything else different. I don't even know where my garlic is to take it. But the mosquitoes are not bothering me either thank God, Thank You, Mary Lou

    Hi Mary, The copper plates continues to produce good subtle results. I often experience a pleasant ripple effect through my body. I place lavender oil inside the handle for the vibration. This gives me deep sleep with intense dreams. However, the most significant thing is its effect on my symptoms of anxiety and stress. Since using the plates, my own symptoms of visual snow have reduced significantly, almost back to pre-stress levels. I believe this highlights the ability of them to bring the body back into balance and enable it to heal itself. That’s all I have for now, but I will let you know if and when further changes happen. Omar.

    When a girlfriend came over with shoulder pain that she had had for weeks. I had her lay down in my guest bedroom on the Healing Copper Plates. Within 5 minutes, she said she felt tingling going down her arm. I said stay on them for another 15 minutes. After the session, she said all her pain was gone; weeks later, she said it stayed gone. I had taken an aura photo before and after her using them. You can see the aura photos on my website. It shows a much stronger aura afterward, proving increased circulation. To order email or call me Price $120.00 and $20 shipping PLace order here

7. My Decontamination Pod

At The entrance of my front door is My Decontamination Pod  

This is used to decontaminate people, mail, and packages before entering your house. This way, you and your family are safe from any pathogens. You will be purified and have killed germs; however, I cannot tell you which ones or how many germs. Someday all new homes will have them and will be very sophisticated. Do not worry about what the neighbors think. They may say they want one, and it can be taken down easily. I sell them so contact me if you want one.
In the Pod you place a chair and small table inside that you supply.

   When you enter you sit down, place your cell phone and keys into the UV light Sanitizer pouch on the table, then zip it for decontamination. Then turn on the healthy negative ion generator. This will purify and disinfectant the air. Then take the high-frequency violet ray machine, twist the bottom to turn it on, then roll it around on your skin, face, lymph nodes, around your nose and comb through your hair for a few minutes.

   Then use the Dr. Hulda Clark 9-volt zapper by holding the copper pipes in each hand for 3 minutes to kill germs. Then open the top of the bottle called Herbal Breathing and take three breaths. One into each nostril and the last breath through the mouth for an antiseptic into your lungs. The whole decontamination process is about 4 minutes long.

   You should keep small garbage bags inside so you can take your shoes off and change your clothes. Then you can immediately place them in the washing machine or at least the dryer. So, keep fresh clothes in the pod.

  I will send you some disposable shoe foot covers to use before going out the door or in your car. Throw them away before walking in the house in the pod. I will send some plant-based biodegradable gloves so when you throw them away, you are not harming the environment. I will send you info where to get more if you like.  Watch the video on my website.

I will send you along with the pod the UV bag for your keys and cellphone, The Dr. Hulda Clark 9-volt Zapper, the handheld Violet Ray device, the healthy negative machine, and the herbal breathing bottle.

Delivery of Boxes and Mail

Place your deliveries inside the Decontamination Pod. Place a sign on the outside of your pod to tell the delivery man to slip the packages under the plastic. Keep your gloves by the front door and put them on before touching the boxes or the mail. Then you can spray them with your disinfectant and turn on the Healthy Negative Ion Machine for 20minutes to an hour, that is up to you. Throw away the gloves in a garbage bag inside the pod. Each time you go to the mailbox, wear your gloves, and spray with a disinfectant the envelopes and the mailbox

Dimensions;24.02"L x 24.02"W x 2.99"H   Weight; of pod is 3 pounds

Price $475.00 plus shipping  PLace order here

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8. My eight Invention is the Covid 7.83 Hz Negative Ion Face Shield
Here is a face mask I made during Covid. There is no other mask like this one.
My mask is clear and covers the whole face but the difference is there are two little negative ion generators in the inside aimed at the nose and mouth. Also there is a 7.83Hz Tesla Schumann Generator attached to the top of the mask for added protected of germs that surround your body. On the shelf is a Sani
tation Bag so you can place your car keys and cell phone inside for sanitizing with a UV light. The red light nose generator, place the small plastic electrodes inside the nostril so the red light can help purify your sinuses.   Price$150.00  Place order here

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9My Tesla Water Maker
In July 21, 2021, a man in my dream showed me how to make this Tesla water maker.
I was sound to sleep when a man took me into his laboratory. He was in his fifties and was seemed to be bald headed.  We stood side by side in front of his wooden table so he could show me this device that he wanted me to make. It had a white plastic cap on top of a glass of water. It seemed to be about a foot tall by 6” wide. He said there was a Tesla Coil inside it to energize and purify the water. The next day Mark and I put it together and the water testers shows the increase in energy and purification.

                                 Charge your water with Tesla energy and frequencies.
This small but powerful Tesla Coil emits electricity, a magnetic field, and millions of frequencies as well as sub-harmonic frequencies. Testing shows it raises the alkalinity PH properties of the water from acidic water, which is unhealthy, to a higher alkaline value which improves over health. It would help if you were more alkaline, which would help you have a healthy body and a strong magnetic field. The water absorbs millions of frequencies to help replace any missing ones. This comes with a glass that holds a cup of water. Why only a cup? Because when the 3-minute session of charging the water is over; those frequencies will not hold much longer. So, it needs to be drank within fifteen minutes to receive all the benefits. This comes with a 3-minute timer and will automatically turn off. Charge your water with Tesla Energy and frequencies. Place a glass of water under the white cap that has a Tesla Coil inside it and charge for three minutes. Drink right away.
Price $ 250.00
 Place order here

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10. My Radionic Plate
On March 8th 2022, My Radionic Plate was Given To Me In My Dream.  On this night I was sound to sleep when an elderly man with white hair and his 12 year old son with blonde hair appeared to me to show me something they created and wanted me to make. The father stood in the background while the son was so happy to show the wooden plate that looked about 12” x 12”. It had what looked like a tile cherry stain with polyurethane on top of it. In the middle it had a copper antenna wounded upward with two points coming off the top. In the corner was a picture of my invention called The Bio-Energy Tuner glued to it.
    All the sudden I realized what this was, so I smiled and screamed to the man “ Oh, This Is Radionics”. Then I woke up with the whole schematics in my head and drew it on a piece of paper. Later I took a nap and meditated on this and received more information how on to build it. This is when I saw the pictures of my other machines on it with a copper wire connected from them to the antenna.

   Now I make and sell it. This is a one-of-a-kind radionic plate. This 12”x 12” plate that has a copper antenna in the middle for transmitting the energy frequencies to the subject. Place inside the antenna one to three photos, hair, or write the name of the subject. Then you can place a crystal, a color, herbs or write what the subject needs for healing. You can also place it on top of any of the healing devices photos.     These photos of the eight machines will also send their energy to the subject. The photos are of the The Tesla Body energizer, the Edgar Cayce Violet Ray, the Iteracare Health Blower, the Dr. Hulda Clark Zapper, the Bio-Energy Tuner, the Crystal singing bowl, the Nikola Tesla Coil, the crystal singing bowl and the Swing Chi machine.
   The photo on the right is my radionic session to end the Ukraine war, with Putin inside the copper antennae. I have eight energies such as, "Stop the war", "Heal Ukraine", "Putin, Stop the war", "Save the  people", "Save the children", "Stop the missiles", "Tanks go back to Russia", and "Send back Russian troops". Each one of these devices are explained in the book and will come with a flyer of why I picked these devices out of 90 in my collection. To learn more about Radionics go to google.
Price $80
.00 plus shipping.  Place order here


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11. My Tesla Socks  
 On Oct 4, 2022, I had a psychic reading from Margo today. As usual it was amazing and I’m only going to tell you a few things she said. She told me Nikola Tesla has come through to tell me that when he was alive, he had taken seven raw crystals, and grounded them into powder.  Then he sewed them into a pouch and sewn that to a pair of socks, where the arch would be for the foot. These frequencies would stimulate all the organs. He said that most people are not aware of how important their feet are to the whole body.
  I giggled and told her “OH MY GOD” before getting out of bed this morning I had thoughts of asking Mark to grind up those same crystals to place inside my Tesla Herbal Magnetic Cushion that I sell. I am making one for my nephew for his birthday coming up soon because he is a truck driver, and this would help him have more energy and mental alertness while driving. Margo said he wanted me to open the top of my crown chakra for more communication with him. And, to meditate for contact with him. These are the raw powdered gemstones he mentioned to her. Raw powered White Quartz, Violet Amethyst, Dark Blue Lapis lazuli, Light Blue Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Green Malachite, Yellow Citrine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper, and Black Grounding Obsidian. When muscles testing, they make you strong and balanced. Now I make these socks for sale at $ 30.00 a pair.
 Place order here











These are example of what you can have put on the front of the pendant or you can send me one, even a photo. The blue light is when the Schumman frequency is turned on. The photo on the upper left is the back of the pendant with a magnet, the Shungite disk and my Tesla charged crystals. The upper right is my personal pendant. Wear it for a lot of extra energy.

12. My Tesla 7.83 Hz Schumann Magnetic Shungite Pendant  
  This is a One-Of-A-Kind Pendant. The Schumann wave can help create a relaxed atmosphere, making people calm, improve sleeping quality, relieve fatigue, and restore physical and
mental health. The Schumann resonances are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's Electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. Wear it as a necklace, place it in your pocket or place it on the laptop while working at the computer for EMF protection. When muscle testing, you will see how physically stronger you are when it is turned on  

   The Schumann frequency is the pulse of Mother Earth, the heartbeat from the electromagnetic field. Earth has been pulsating exactly at 7.83 Hz for thousands of years, but now it has been rising dramatically since 2017. We have seen it go up as high as 158HZ. It fluctuates, but what is this going to mean for our future? How it will affect all living things on Earth. This has a magnetic field, the Shungite stone for extra energy and the 7 raw Tesla powdered Crystals that he talked about, for even more added energy. Raw powered White Quartz, Violet Amethyst, Dark Blue Lapis lazuli, Light Blue Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Green Malachite, Yellow Citrine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper, and Black Grounding Obsidian. When muscles testing it will make you strong and balanced instantly.

I custom make this beautiful healing energizing pendant $145.00 plus shipping.  Place odrer here

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13. My Tesla Magnetic Bracelet 
This is a Tesla Magnetic Bracelet that I created is to wear around your wrist or ankle. This will give you more energy while you wear it. This is created with magnetic material. Muscle test it to see how instantly it gives you more psychical energy by improving blood circulation. You will need to measure the inches around your wrist or ankle and tell me the size you need for the bracelet. Email me or call if you want one. Price $ 25.00  PLace order here

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14. My Nikola Tesla Necklaces
These are one-of-a-kind
 Tesla necklaces. They have shungite and magnetic energy added to the back of them to make. This will make you instantly physically stronger proven my muscle testing by improving blood circulation. It will give you energy when you wear it. This is one inch in diameter and comes with a black cord.
Price $25.00  Place order here

15. My Rainbow Healing Pod

Your body radiates the color frequencies of a rainbow. These colors come off your chakras, which creates your aura. When you are missing certain colors, this can have a harmful effect on the physical, emotional, and spiritual body. This Rainbow Pod can help replace those color frequencies. The stronger your aura is the healthier you are. The stronger your aura is the more protection you have from the environment. Inside this Rainbow Pod are four rainbow projectors that are aimed on your body. Also, there are 18 RGB colored tap puck lights to enhance the colored frequencies as well as another projector of color that has the sounds of nature you can play while meditating or sleeping inside.

   You can wear clothes or not, the effect will be the same. I have seen with my live aura imaging the power of this Rainbow Pod increasing the size of a person’s energy field with all their colors, enhancing all their chakras and health.
  This also comes with a negative ion generator for not just air purify but to open your lungs and give you energy. Healthy negative Ions are very healing and energizing. When not in use in the pod, place the ion generator next to your bed while you sleep. It can help with breathing problems. Powerful Capacity, this Ion machine with Highest Output - up to 30 Million Negative Ions/Sec, 2 Million Positive Ions/Sec. You can use the Ion machine virtually anywhere in your home, office, car, and enclosed workplace.

   This also comes with Mary’s Tesla Healing Copper Plates to correct and balance your energy field. It is a powerful healing device that has no electricity. You lay on the copper plates and hold the two copper pipes. Go to my website and read a lot more about the amazing Copper Plates and view a video on it.
This also comes with the Zero Point Energy Nano Wand. I have been so impressed by this simple healing tool I once had a whole website just for this.
This also comes with the Tesla Crystal Herbal Cushion; this is to lay your head on while laying down for energy and more aura enhancing. 
  This is a pop-up pod, so it is portable and very easy to put together. You can sit or lay down. Dimensions: 6ft,5 inches long x 4ft,9 inches wide x 3ft,4 inches high, Weight of pod is 3.13 pounds. I need two weeks to make. $7
75.00  Place order here     Plus Shipping

Click here to see videos and more info




16. My Tesla Crystal Violet Ray Device
This is a healing device unlike the other Violet Rays.
It uses a handheld Tesla Coil used to excite and charge the energy of these crystals that are attached into the top of the device. These crystals are for charging your seven chakras.
Tesla coil charged raw crystals are the clear quartz, Violet Amethyst, Dark Blue Lapis lazuli, Light Blue Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Green Malachite, Yellow Citrine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper, and Black Grounding Obsidian    Place order here
  This device you cannot buy it anywhere but from us. They are custom made. Price $299.00

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17. This is my beautiful “Healing In the Wings of an Angel” healing device.

    She is a 6ft female healing angel device I make to improve your health by the healing devices incorporated within her. When people see her, they are in awe, their eyes light up, and they want a session, or their photo taken with her. People have experienced more physical and mental energy. They have also experienced pain relief, better blood circulation, a calming, happy mood, and an increased auric field.

   This angel gives you color therapy, magnetic, shungite, and zero-point energy. She also increases your energy by standing on the electronic foot pad for acupuncture therapy. It opens up all the meridians to your organs so blood and energy can flow. The tap lights in her middle are for chakra therapy. The rainbow lights are for rainbow therapy. The wrist device is for red-light therapy purifying your blood. The Zero Point wand is for balancing your energy and pain relief. The iPod is programmed with many healing frequencies that your body will absorb through your energy field. The Schumann generator necklace is for added energy by using the 7.83 Hz, the natural Earth's Frequency. The small bracelet has whatever essential oil inside so you can breathe in that healing frequency, and she also emits Orgone energy. A mister comes with her to purify her energy field in between sessions. You can use holy water, essential oils, or whatever you prefer. I send along a kit of ten essential oils. All these devices are for pain relief and to increase energy. We are made up of these energies, so why not heal from them? 

 You can use each healing tool individually. Just take them out of the angel.

   She only takes 2 minutes to get ready for a session when she is all put together.

To Use;

1. To create your angel therapy session, take the Tesla Magnetic, Shungite stone, Crystal, Schumann 7.83 Hz frequency generator necklace hanging around her neck and place it around your own neck. If you are familiar with muscle testing, do this to prove to yourself how instantly it makes you psychically stronger by increasing circulation and adding energy to your body. This necklace has been charged on top of a Tesla Coil machine giving the raw crystals millions of frequencies. 

    These ten raw-powered crystals are White Quartz, Violet Amethyst, Dark Blue Lapis lazuli, Light Blue Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Green Malachite, Yellow Citrine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper, and Black Grounding Obsidian. When muscle testing, they make you strong and balanced. The idea of using these crystals came to me psychically from Tesla himself.

2.Then press the button that is attached to each wing. The LED lights will flash on. You can have the wings pulse or not. When you have everything turned on, take both wings, and cover yourself with them over your shoulders.

3.Then push all the puck lights in front of her from the forehead down to her feet. The forehead is dark blue, the throat is light blue, the pink is over her heart as well is the green one, the yellow is over her tummy, the orange is over her pelvis and the red root chakra, then the knees, and last the feet. While standing close in front of her, you are receiving chakra colors for chakra color therapy.

4.Then turn on the iPod attached to her right hip. Here you will listen to meditation music with many frequencies incorporated into it. 

5. Then place the Foot Tens Mat Device on the floor, and place it directly in front of her. Turn it on, and you will see a small blue light. Then have your bare feet on it and turn the intensity up until you feel it comfortably. This will also improve your blood circulation, opening up all the meridians and acupuncture points throughout your body. It will increase your energy for optimal healing. Start at a 1 intensity.

6. Place essential oil inside the bracelet.

7. Then turn on the power strip so the rainbow light above her head and on the floor will turn on. The switch to change the colors for the rainbow lights will either pulse, stay static or change colors independently.

8. Place the Red-Light Wrist device on your wrist and turn it on.

9. When you are all setup, reach to her left hand and hold it for Orgone and magnetic energy. 

10. Lastly, hold onto the Zero Point Energy Nano Wand in her right hand.

  This comes with a mister to mist the angel between sessions to clear the energy. It also comes with essential oils to place inside the bracelet, so when you stand in front of her, you will breathe in that frequency.

  I sell these to Wellness centers and other businesses, so people can use her while in the waiting room. I also sell them to lay people.

 She is quite the center piece, a conversation piece. I custom make this angel Price $1200.00 plus shipping. It is custom-made, allowing for three weeks.  PLace orer here
Click here to learn more, see photos and videos

18. My Arm leg Bouncer
  This is bouncer is called passive aerobic exercising. I created this to help people with neuropathy, people with diabetes, gangrene, any type of limb circulation problems and for people who cannot exercise.
  This is for improving blood flow while sitting or lying in your bed. People who are sedentary can use this to increase their blood circulation while sitting in a chair watching Tv, or while using their computer. By placing your feet or arms on the bouncer and lightly pushing the foot pads up and down your blood flow in your legs all the way down to your toes will improve, as well as the rest of the circulation throughout your body. There is no pressure on your joints. By increasing your exercise, you are also increasing your electrical power to your cells as well as getting more oxygen into the cells.
  I have added the 7.83Hz Schumann Frequency Generator. This is between the foot pads and will give your body extra physical energy. This is proven by muscle testing. You can see this video on my website. The 7.83Hz is the Earth’s frequency, a healthy signal frequency.
  You can lay it on your bed to improve circulation to your arms and feet. Place your calves on the pads and bounce.  I custom make this, go to my website to watch the video. Price $165.00  Place order here                    


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19. Pet 7.83 Hz Schumann Frequency Healing Device
   This frequency generator is simple for an ailing and aging pet, whether it be a cat, dog, bird, etc. This magnetic shungite, 7.83 Hz frequency, is emitting when plugged into an outlet. Just place it within 6 inches of the pet. This frequency helps with sleep, but at the same time, it gives the pet physical energy. It creates energy and better blood circulation, which helps with pain relief.
  When you sleep, you can place it next to your head and see what it does for you. You can place a glass of water in the middle of it to energize the water. Or, place it over an area of pain that you have to prove to yourself how it is helping your pet. The Schumann 7.83Hz frequency is the Earth’s natural frequency. Price $145.00  Place order here

My Nikola Tesla Economical Med Bed

The new concept of a futuristic med bed has been around only for a few years but still they are years before fruition. They will diagnosis and treat a person claiming to cure all disease.

My Med bed has diagnostic abilities and has many different type of energies for healing the body.The software used for diagnostic is the Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer and the Organ Meridian Health Analyzer. 
   The many energies used for healing is ozone, a pulsed magnetic field, static electricity, millions of frequencies, rainbow color therapy, sound, neon plasma gas, red-light therapy, negative Ions, Nikola Tesla charged raw crystals, frequencies of certain herbs, and it is a cellular charger. It emits the Schumann frequency of 7.83 Hz and has Shungite energy.

   My bed charges up your cells with Milli-volts, unstick your sticky red blood cells thus increasing circulation, reduce inflammation and pain. It can reduce depression and anxiety, by giving the body energy to deal with it better, and by releasing serotonin. It increases oxygenation in the blood. Germs cannot live in a high oxygenated state. It is the most powerful lymphatic drainage machine on the market. This Tesla Economical Med Bed releases toxins in the body. It is great for the immune system, and the digestive system. Over time it can increase bone mass from the pressure wave, enhance muscle strength, and regrow the telomers, this can be proven by tests.

   Since I have been selling over 100 electrical healing devices for over 27 years, I feel I am very qualified to put this Med Bed together. This is used in wellness centers and by the lay person. Price $4695.00 The med beds in the future will be $50 to $300 grand. Go to my website   Click here to see videos and more info.

My Spinning Plasma Tesla Coil.
Bluetooth Music Tesla Coil SSTC Desktop Loudspeaker Arc Generator Wireless Transmission.
I designed this Tesla Coil so the 5 plasma gases, neon, argon, helium, krypton, xenon, and the millions of healthy frequencies can spin outward into the atmosphere toward you.

First turn on the Tesla Coil from the switch below, then turn the switch on the turn table
Or, turn the Tesla Coil on without the turn table.

You place it next to you on a table, bed or place it on your lap.
Do not touch the violet sparks shooting upward or you will get a zap.
Dimension 4.17”x 4.17”x 5.”

Contact me Rev. Mary at or call 321-525-2511

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