"From Hooker to Nikola Tesla",
my personal connection to him

This is me all excited after talking in a zoom conversation with Travis Taylor of SkinWalker ranch for 3 minutes. To see my full 3 min zoom call with Travis and Dragon
click here to see them.

People ask me how do I have a personal connection to him since he has been dead for many years. I tell them how his tech saved my life, how I got into making and selling his technology.
When you come visit my collection you can get a video taken with Tesla, hear him speak,
click on video

My 12 Nikola Tesla Healing Devices

Click here to learn about The most important healing Nikola Tesla technology is the Tesla Body Energizer
My machine has been used for all pain and disease for the last 27 years. It is all the healing machines rolled up into one.

Our 6ft 500,00 volt Tesla Coil. We no longer make large Tesla Coils and this one is not for sale, however you can experience its power if you come visit. Video coming soon

18 inch 50,000 volt Tesla Coil. You can experience the power of this Tesla Coil if you come visit. video coming soon.

The 12 Inch, 25,000 volt Tesla Coil. You can experience the power of this tesla Coil when you come visit me. Video coming soon.

My Tesla Water Maker.
When you come visit you will experience the power of this charged Tesla Coil water. Read how this came to me a a dream. PLace order here Click here to learn more, see video and order

The Tesla Ray Gun
Handheld Tesla Coil Gun, Electronics Trigger Mode for Tesla Coil Handheld Generator
It can generate beautiful lightning with a length of 13cm or 5 inches, and the number of times it can produce is as high as 1700 times. This product adopts the key-type single trigger method and does not have the function of automatic triggering and music playback. This is a dangerous toy. Do not buy this for children.

The Nikola Tesla Crystal Violet Ray
This is a healing device unlike the other Violet Rays.
It uses a handheld Tesla Coil used to excite and charge th. Ple energy of these crystals that are attached into the top of the device. These crystals are for charging your seven chakras.
These raw crystals are the clear quartz, Violet Amethyst, Dark Blue Lapis lazuli, Light Blue Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Green Malachite, Yellow Citrine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper, and Black Grounding Obsidian Place order here
This device you cannot buy it anywhere but from us. They are custom made. Price $299.00
My Tesla Socks
Oct 4, 2022, I had a psychic reading from Margo today. As usual it was amazing and I’m only going to tell you a few things she said. She told me Nikola Tesla has come through to tell me that when he was alive, he had taken seven raw crystals, and grounded them into powder. Then he sewed them into a pouch and sewn that to a pair of socks, where the arch would be for the foot. These frequencies would stimulate all the organs. He said that most people are not aware of how important their feet are to the whole body.
I giggled and told her “OH MY GOD” before getting out of bed this morning I had thoughts of asking Mark to grind up those same crystals to place inside my Tesla Herbal Magnetic Cushion that I sell. I am making one for my nephew for his birthday coming up soon because he is a truck driver, and this would help him have more energy and mental alertness while driving. Margo said he wanted me to open the top of my crown chakra for more communication with him. And, to meditate for contact with him. These are the raw powdered gemstones he mentioned to her. Raw powered White Quartz, Violet Amethyst, Dark Blue Lapis lazuli, Light Blue Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Green Malachite, Yellow Citrine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper, and Black Grounding Obsidian. When muscles testing, they make you strong and balanced. Now I make these socks for sale at $ 30.00 a pair. Place ordr here

Front of pendant and back of pendant

Tesla Pendant

Tesla Crystal Magnetic Shungite Schumann Frequency Generator Pendant
These are example of what you can have put on the front of the pendant or you can send me a photo. The blue light is when the Schumann frequency is turned on. The back of the pendant with a magnet, theSshungite disk and my Tesla charged crystals. Wear this for energy.
This is a One-Of-A-Kind Pendant. The Schumann wave can help create a relaxed atmosphere, making people calm, improve sleeping quality, relieve fatigue, and restore physical and mental health. The Schumann resonances are a set of spectrum peaks in the extremely low frequency (ELF) portion of the Earth's Electromagnetic field spectrum. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth's surface and the ionosphere. Wear it as a necklace, place it in your pocket or place it on the laptop while working at the computer for EMF protection. When muscle testing, you will see how physically stronger you are when it is turned on
The Schumann frequency is the pulse of Mother Earth, the heartbeat from the electromagnetic field. Earth has been pulsating exactly at 7.83 Hz for thousands of years, but now it has been rising dramatically since 2017. We have seen it go up as high as 158HZ. It fluctuates, but what is this going to mean for our future? How it will affect all living things on Earth. This has a magnetic field, the Shungite stone for extra energy and the 7 raw Tesla powdered Crystals that he talked about, for even more added energy. Raw powered White Quartz, Violet Amethyst, Dark Blue Lapis lazuli, Light Blue Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Green Malachite, Yellow Citrine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper, and Black Grounding Obsidian. When muscles testing it will make you stronger and more balanced.
I custom make this beautiful healing energizing pendant $145.00 plus shipping. Place order here

My Nikola Tesla Bracelet
My Tesla Magnetic Bracelet
Tesla Magnetic Bracelet that I created is to wear around your wrist or ankle. This will give you more energy while you wear it. You will need to measure the inches around your wrist or ankle and tell me the size you need for the bracelet. Email me or call if you want one. Price $ 25.00 Place order here

The Nikola Tesla Purple Energy Plate
The atoms and electrons of the aluminum have been altered so that the plates are in resonance, or in tune, with the basic energy of the Universe. They function as transducers, creating a field of energy themselves that will penetrate any material substance by osmosis. This energy is very beneficial (the life-force energy) to all life, plant, animal, or human. It might be considered as Positive Energy, or as God Power. Love is “positive energy”. God is love, God is Energy.
Place your food, drink, cigarettes, medicine, ect for 15 minutes so the plate can transformer the energy of your substance to a positive electron spin.
There are Tesla purple plate pendants available online
The Modern Violet Ray Device

Here I will turn it on so you can feel the power from the Tesla Coil that is inside the handle.
My purple aura is before my session with the Violet Ray, the brilliant aura is me after five minutes. This High-frequency Device" is a miniature version of the Tesla Body Energizer and the modern version of the one from the 1950s. This is a small portable version and lightweight so that you can take this with you anywhere for healing. This tool is a Lymphatic drainage device that can detox heavy metals and chemicals from the body. In addition, it replaces any missing harmonics and magnetic field elements to the body energy field, unsticks blood red blood cells while improving circulation, and introduces ozone to add oxygen to the blood. This portable device can be used in house therapy for improvement in sports medicine, reversing pain, and cosmetology.
During the procedure, the weak impulse of high voltage alternating electric
current affects the skin surface without hurting bio structures of tissues.
This procedure is caused by the activation of micro circulation, broadening the arteries and capillaries of the skin, and subcutaneous cellulose. At the same time, activity of the venous system improves, and swollen tissues tend to decrease.
Promotes Energy by charging up the cells and draining the lymph, moving toxic blood out.
WOW, now my aura is charged with a lot of energy, wow!
Different units have various electrodes like the orange neon gas or violet argon gas electrode.
This can help with Lupus, cancer, diabetes, and all disease!!!!
Skin diseases such as eczema, herpes, blackheads, burns, frostbite, bruises,
and speeds recovery time from injuries. It can help with air passage diseases,
trachea infection, bronchitis, and asthma. It can help with joints, muscles,
paralysis, gangrene, arthritis, artery, and veins. It can help with varicose vein,
thrombophlebitis, neurosis, problems with sleeping, osteochondrosis, depression, and so much more. When you read the testimonials, you will see how it helps with almost everything.
These are reports from people using the Violet Ray device, this does not mean you would get the same result. Remember this is the small version of the large and more powerful
Tesla Body Energizer.
(Anemia Sickle Cell) Hello Mary, I am so happy and amazed with my blood work. I have had sickle cell anemia all my life and have never been in the normal range until now. I bought this ray for my hair only, but you said to use it on my face, neck, and all around my body. I told you that I only wanted it for my scalp. Two weeks after I used this a couple of times a day for my hair, I had my blood work as for the first time, it was almost in the normal range. I called you to ask you if this cures Sickle Cell, you said you had no idea but now to use it directly over your blood. You said to place the bulb on the inside of your wrist where your arteries are, where they draw blood. Two weeks later, I called you to tell you for the very first time in my life, my blood test is in the normal range, Amazing! I tell my friends about this all the time. They are tired of me talking about it. I can’t thank you enough. Lakesha
(Back, water Retention, Calluses) Hi Mary, we are pleased with our purchase of the handheld violet ray. It is helping me with water retention that I was having to take water pills for. I haven't taken them in a few days because the violet ray seems to be doing its job. I've also seen a reduction of the calluses on my feet. My husbands back seem to be some better. Now I am interested in the full Body version, the Energizer. Linda H
(Buddhist Temple) Hello Rev. Mary. This Violet Ray has been an absolute God Send to us, treating the various medical problems with the poorest of the poor people in Thailand’s Esan region. We have been using them in the Buddhist Temples with success. Sister Fatima
(Cancer) Bladder) My cat Ra was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He was straining in the box
, and only blood was coming out. He couldn't pee at all. I put the ray over his bladder area on his belly. Within less than a minute, he got up, walked over to the box, and had a pee! I started using it 3-5 times a day, sometimes for 5 mins other times for 15 mins depending on what he would allow. That was over 2 weeks ago, and he has never bled one drop of blood since. I really feel that if I didn't use this device on him, he wouldn't be alive today. Every time I use it on him, he gets a blissful look on his face and soon starts to nod off to sleep. He even lets me use it around his face and mouth, and that helps him with his stinky breath. And, of course, you probably already knew what an incredible aphrodisiac the ray is! Today I put the mushroom attachment on my "private parts" (through clothes) - not INSIDE like you recommended for yeast - for only 5 minutes and I couldn't believe how switched on I have been feeling all day. I normally don't have these feelings as I'm so focused on work all the time. Kitty is slowly getting used to the ray, and I think. At least it has been helping his constipation, so that is terrific! My cat is doing better every day. Menkit
(Canker Sores) Hi Mary, Hope your doing well , Just wanted to update you on a few things where the Violet Ray has come to the rescue. Canker Sores: infrequently I'll bite my lip and get a canker sore. But here's what I found. If I put the end of the Violet Ray probe on the outside of my skin opposite where the canker sore is, it will go away over night! Walloped on the noise by a drawer: Last Thursday I had a termite inspection, and while moving things in the garage, I had a drawer slide out and hit me on the bridge of my nose. This was a plastic drawer, but it was heavy, and man did it hurt. After the inspector left, I ran in and applied the Violet Ray on the bridge of my nose using the large spoon probe. It stopped stinging, never turned black and blue. It was tender to the touch for about 4 days. The fact it never bruised was amazing!
(Cat) Melanie’s cat had no hair on her back, from allergies. The vet and holistic vet could not help her. She called to tell me after a few days of rubbing the violet ray on her cat, the hair is growing back and has more energy. She wants to put her testimony on video
(Diabetes) Hi Mary, I had some problems that I could not fix. One of which was a circulation problem with my legs. I am a diabetic, and over the years, my legs from the knee down discolored to the point that they were almost black, and they itched so bad that I drew blood from scratching. No One was able to help this. Then I received the Violet Ray, and it stopped the itching; and over time, the normal color is returning to my legs. The circulation is returning. Thank you very much. It also relieves some pain areas. Simply by rubbing the glass tube over pain areas, the pain diminishes. Wish I had access to this device years ago. John W. This is a miraculous healing device, click here to see how it has helped many more people, Read peoples amazing results.
You can go my link to order $145.00 Place order here

The Tesla Bio-Plasma Ozone Machine
This is a 1950 Ozone plasma frequency ray from the company called Stone Manufacturing. It is a high voltage device that emits ozone. The transformer charges up the plasma bulbs thus creating the different colors. The inert gas neon creates the color red. The orange is from the combination neon and helium. The yellowish is helium. The light blue is krypton. The darker blue is xenon. The purple is argon. Place your hand on the bulbs. You feel only a slight tingling. This emits millions of frequencies for a healing. They are no longer available.

On this Lower Shelf of Nikola Tesla Devices, the Tesla Plasma machine, the Tesla Crystal Magnetic Herbal Cushion, the Tesla Crystal Orgone Cushion, and the Tesla Crystal Copper Healing Plates.

Tesla Crystal Magnetic Herbal Cushion
The cushion emitting a red aura is the energizing cushion. The Blue Violet aura is the calming aura cushion. next to that photo is Alan sitting on the blue violet cushion. Notice how now he has the same aura, before he sat on it his aura was orange. Now is in a calmer mood.
This has taken extensive research to find these frequencies emitting from this cushion, that has been proven by an electromagnetic (Aura) camera. This is an aura photo of the seat cushion I bought for this experiment. I placed inside certain healing energizing items, charged with my Tesla Coil, that I had tested with my aura camera and saw they all emitted the color red individually. Red is the strongest energy giving color to the body, the root chakra. I took the photo of the cushion before and saw no aura. After I placed everything inside, I retook this aura photo. Now there’s an amazing powerful red aura. This shows why when people buy these from me and use them at work that they have more energy to get through the day or their eyes don’t get so tired. It should be used while driving for more alertness.
Each cushion will be different from the next because they are custom made. I can make the cushion as big as you like. This has raw powered White Quartz, Violet Amethyst, Dark Blue Lapis lazuli, Light Blue Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Green Malachite, Yellow Citrine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper and Black Grounding Obsidian
Muscle Testing (Kinesiology) proves this.
To see an immediate energy difference is easy to prove.
Just sit on a chair without the cushion and lift the heavy books piled on top of each other on your lap. Get a feel for the weight by lifting them up and down slowly a few times, then have someone place the energy cushion on the back of the chair and sit back against it. Then lift the books slowly and down, see how they feel lighter. Pull the cushion away, lift the books up and down again, now they are heavy. You will be amazed. The cushion improves circulation immediately; it’s like an instant battery charge. Try this with your friends and family, it will blow their minds.
I can make one for you or send me a cushion or you can bring your own cushion.
Either one I custom make these for $70.00 Place order here

This is the aura photo of the Orgone cushion with its very powerful red orange aura.

This is my aura while sitting on the cushion, wow.
My Tesla Orgone Crystal Magnetic Cushion
This Orgone cushion is infused with orgone energy. This aura photo shows red, orange, and yellow in its energy field. This shows how it can stimulate the lower chakras or, the lower physical body. This cushion interestingly has the energy field of a young child, which is full of energy and will stimulate your CHI. Plus, there are benefits such as improving circulation, which helps with pain, getting the lymph flowing, and assimilating oxygen, and releasing toxins.
Wilhelm Reich claimed to have discovered this life energy he called "orgone" back in the 1930s. He claimed that the universal energies accumulate in the cushion and could cure all ailments. Orgone blankets are being used in hospitals in Japan. The orgone material acts as a conductor of your body’s bioelectricity, stimulating your acupuncture points and improving CHI or Life Energy flow.
Have a friend muscle test your strength while laying or sitting on it. Lay on your back and hold your arm straight up. Have your friend try to push your arm back down to your side. Then put the blanket over you and redo this test. You will find your arm will not go down as easily as without the blanket over you. You will find the blanket gives you more strength.
Testimonial: This woman called me who bought the orgone blanket. She said after two weeks, she no longer has hip pain from using the blanket. I said Great, I am sure the blanket is improving your blood flow while you sleep and keeping your chi moving.
This has taken extensive research to find these frequencies emitting from this cushion, that has been proven by an electromagnetic (Aura) camera. This is an aura photo of a seat cushion I bought for this experiment. I placed inside certain healing energizing items, some charged with my Tesla Coil, that I had tested with my aura camera and saw they all emitted the color red individually. Red is the strongest energy giving color to the body, the root chakra. I took the photo of the cushion before and saw no aura. After I placed everything inside, I retook this aura photo. Now there’s an amazing powerful red aura. This shows why when people buy these from me and use them at work that they have more energy to get through the day or their eyes don’t get so tired. It should be used while driving for more alertness.
You will be amazed. The cushion improves circulation immediately; it’s like an instant battery charge. Try this with your friends and family, it will blow their minds. I can make one for you or send me a cushion or you can bring your own cushion. Each cushion will be different from the next because they are custom made.
Muscle testing (Kinesiology) proves this.
To see an immediate energy difference is easy to prove. PLACE ORER HERE
Just sit on a chair without the cushion and lift the heavy books piled on top of each other on your lap. Get a feel for the weight by lifting them up and down slowly a few times, then have someone place the energy cushion on the back of the chair and sit back against it. Then lift the books slowly and down, see how they feel lighter. Pull the cushion away, lift the books up and down again slowly and see how they are heavy. I custom make this cushion for $70.00 and an Orgone blanket 4ft x 6ft for $300.00.

Bobby with a neck pain on his right side. Notice how there's no aura for healing it.

After a 20min session his neck pain is gone and has a powerful red grounded aura for healing.
My Tesla Crystal Copper Healing Plates
I have seen excellent results for people in 20 minutes to relieve migraines, illness, and pain. Edgar Cayce states that when the aura accumulates in one area, this can cause pain and disease. He explains that these screens circulate the aura by moving the stuck energy. For example, if you have a migraine, it is because there is too much energy that has accumulated over the head.
The Healing Copper Plates will move that down and balance the energy. I have added a feature: you can open the top of the copper pipes to place inside any substance so your chakras can absorb the
vibration of that substance, such as pot, CBD, vitamins, herbs, crystals, gemstones, and essential oils or crystals. The raw powdered gemstones recommended by Nikola tesla I place inside the copper hand holds. aw powered White Quartz, Violet Amethyst, Dark Blue Lapis lazuli, Light Blue Moonstone, Rose Quartz, Green Malachite, Yellow Citrine, Orange Carnelian, Red Jasper and Black Grounding Obsidian
You can place the Plates against your flesh or wear light cotton clothing. You can sit on the screen and lean back on the upper screen or lay in bed with one screen under the small of your back and the other under your neck. You can connect two people to share energies. If you have two sets of the Healing Copper Plates. You can use them to energize the weaker one who is tired or ill. The weaker person will take energy from the healthy one and use it for healing. If both are both are healthy, then they will charge each other. Studies were done with placing up to 6 people together in a circuit, giving one sick person a powerful energy boost.
Healing Copper Plates Testimonials.
Hi Mary, I think it would be better to call you to tell you about my experience with the copper plates. It has been great. I am getting a little more sleep and hope to do even better after a while. It gives me a little more stamina but so much so that I wasn't able to go to sleep until 2:30 am. I just laid on it for 15 min. Instead of 20 and I went back to sleep. I can regulate it that way, Isn't that something? My blood pressure has been down also, and one day it went up, and I just got out the screens and laid on them for a few minutes and took my BP, and it went back down. I love it, thanks to you. I still think about what Dear, Sweet girl you are, and I brag about you every chance I get. Love you so much, Jeanne
Dear Mary, thank you for the Healing Copper Plates. I have been using them for 2 days, and they really work so well for me. I have had neck pain that seems to want to stay with me. But I used them, and it's gone, and my hips are better too. I feel so relaxed too. Thank you., Many blessings, Susan
Hi Mary, I woke up with a cold/flu and 101 fever when everyone was getting sick in the winter months. I laid down on my copper screens, and within 5 minutes, I could feel a cooling feeling in my body as if someone had turned on the air conditioning inside me. It felt very strange but good. In 30 minutes on the screens, I got up and retook my temperature. I was amazed to see I was down a whole degree and a half. Marty
Hello Mary, I wanted to tell you that the aching pain in my hands and arms has stopped. When I lay on the screens, I wind up falling asleep. I started with 15 minutes, and now I go up to 30 for each session. Sometimes I forget to move them first, I just pass out. The planes and other outside noises do not seem to affect me as much at night now. I have noticed my stamina and energy levels are better. Even when I stay up late, I can still get up early and keep going. It seems I've a built-in alarm clock I never knew about. I wake up between 6:45-7am every morning. This heat has been unbearable, but surprisingly, I am dealing with it better. This may sound crazy, but I have noticed my chin is toning up, and my neck looks better. I suppose it's the bio circuits as I'm not doing anything else different. I don't even know where my garlic is to take it. But the mosquitoes are not bothering me either thank God, Thank You, Mary Lou
Hi Mary, The copper plates continues to produce good subtle results. I often experience a pleasant ripple effect through my body. I place lavender oil inside the handle for the vibration. This gives me deep sleep with intense dreams. However, the most significant thing is its effect on my symptoms of anxiety and stress. Since using the plates, my own symptoms of visual snow have reduced significantly, almost back to pre-stress levels. I believe this highlights the ability of them to bring the body back into balance and enable it to heal itself. That’s all I have for now, but I will let you know if and when further changes happen. Omar.
Below is my first ever testimonial I got when a girlfriend came over with shoulder pain that she had had for weeks. I had her lay down in my guest bedroom on the Healing Copper Plates. Within 5 minutes, she said she felt tingling going down her arm. I said stay on them for another 15 minutes. After the session, she said all her pain was gone; weeks later, she said it stayed gone. I had taken an aura photo before and after her using them.
This purplish is before and 20min after It shows a much stronger aura afterward, proving increased circulation. To order email or call me Price $120.00 PLACE ORDER HERE

My Tesla Magnetic Shungite Necklaces
My Tesla necklaces have shungite and magnetic energy added to the back of them to make. This will make you instantly physically stronger proven my muscle testing by improving blood circulation. On the back of these necklaces is a magnet and shungite stone for the added energy. They are one inch in diameter and comes with a black rope cord. Price $25.00

Super Charge your Items.
You can mail your jewelry, crystals, or whatever you want for charging for on our 6ft 400,000 Volt Tesla Coil. Send me whatever it is you want charged so; I can infuse it with millions of Tesla Energy frequencies. I will place your item on top of the crown or right beside it. This will super charge your item. Or, I can infuse a specific frequency such as the popular love 528Hz. When it is ready, I will mail it back to you. If interested email me at Mary@90HealingDevices.com so we can discuss it or call me at 321-525-2511
Price for service is $50.00 plus shipping
This is the end of my 12 Nikola Tesla Healing Device

A 750,000-volt Tesla Coil got my dad to walk in a 4-minute treatment.
My dad was diagnosed with Leukemia at the age of 85 in 2012. This was the only illness he had ever had. He would shuffle when he walked for a couple of years and had very little energy. He lived in a condo overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. He had never smoked a cigarette; however, he would drink wine daily and occasionally have a cigar. He was a sweet, caring dad and always a funny guy. Him and my mom were truly the best parents anyone could have.
At the beginning of 2012, he had a normal doctor’s appointment, and the blood work showed he had Leukemia, a horrific shock to our family. This explained why he was feeling poorly, why he had not been able to get out of a chair without help, and could barely stay awake or walk normally. So, I moved in with him along with some of my machines. My 83-year-old aunt lived with him but was very weak as well. We were devastated, and I decided to get right away working on him with my machines. My brother and I have two weeks before his next Dr’s. appointment with holistic therapies.
I am extremely excited about what happened today with my dad. Today was his first session with one of my machines. I used the Big Tesla Coil called the Novalite that emits outward a couple of feet 750,000-volts of electricity with millions of healing frequencies. First, I used the Health Monitor, which measures the acupuncture points on the hand and feet, the energy levels of the organs. His levels of all the organs were normal, from 40 to 50 points on the meter. except for the gallbladder, which was a 10. This was very low and showed no energy in the organ and that the energy was not flowing. The manual of the Health Monitor said that if the gallbladder is weak, it makes the muscles weak. Well, his muscles were extremely weak, and he was almost in a wheelchair all the time now. The manual also says it also affects the throat.
About six months ago, his voice became weak and has stayed weak. He kept saying it was laryngitis, but he was not sick in any other way, so the family said Well, he is 85 years old, and he is getting weaker. Then the manual said that a weak gallbladder creates a bitter taste in the mouth. My dad said to the doctor that for the last three mornings, as he wakes, there is a sour taste in his mouth, and when he drinks his coffee, it goes away. This was three symptoms the manual said about having a weak gallbladder, and he had these symptoms.
I showed my dad my gallbladder measurement, which was a 60, and so was my brother's. My brother and I were 50's and 60's in all our organs. My 83-year-old aunt was 20 points in every organ. She had Alzheimer’s and Diabetes.
Soon after this test, I sat my dad two feet from the Tesla Coil and turned it on for a 4-minute session. This 750,000-volt Tesla Coil is very powerful. It lit up all the inert gases as well as other atmospheric gases. There are twelve glass tubes connected to the crown. You can smell the ozone in the air immediately when turned on. So, we got all charged up by the time the machine stopped.
I asked my dad to come back over to the table so I could retest his energy levels. Then the most amazing moment happened. My dad just stood up from the chair without any help at all, he just stood up. My brother and I freaked out, our jaws dropped, and we loudly said to him “ Look what you did, you quickly stood up with no effort at all”. This was a miracle, he had not been able to do that for many months. He had only been charged for 4 minutes, and he stood up without even using the arms of the chair. WOW, unbelievable.
So then he sat at the table, and I retested his measurements. There were ten more points added to every one of his organs. We were all so happy to see this. It relieved my and my brother’s fear a little, and we now feel that two weeks before his doctor’s appointment, we can get him walking on his own by using the different healing machines. Plus, my brother Fred had just bought some great supplements, and we would put him on an alkaline diet.
Then he got up from the table and walked back to his bedroom in a normal stride. Here is a quick video of him walking in the hallway and me screaming excitedly. There is also a quick video of my dad explaining to the camera how he could not have gotten off the chair if it were not for this treatment.
As this afternoon went into the night, I noticed he was not sleeping. He was on the phone a lot and walking more than usual. We were ecstatically happy to see this. I retested him a couple of hours later, just the gallbladder, and it returned to a 10. I told him that because the gallbladder has thick bile inside, it must be stuck, and it would take some more sessions, and a gallbladder cleanse.
He told me he felt great and was full of energy. He had three of my Bio-Energy Tuners surrounding him when he said this, holding one of them in his hand.
So, I took the red laser light wrist device and placed it right on his gallbladder point for a half hour, and when I retested him, it went back up a 20. Very cool to see this result. As he was getting ready for bed, he moved a chair in his bedroom and fell to the floor while hitting his head on the bathroom door.
Now he was in the hospital for two weeks with bleeding on the brain. This ruined the great effect from the Tesla Coil because when he came home, he never walked again. For the next eight months, he had supplements, ate healthily, and I could only occasionally use my machines on him. This whole time he was upbeat, always joking which is his natural personality, and never was in pain. Then one day his hospice doctor came after all these months to see him and said to him that you are dying. He said WHAT, IM DYING?. The doctor said yes, you have Leukemia, don’t you know this? My dad said to him, but I feel fine, and after he left, my dad asked us about it. We told him that whenever anyone came to visit you, or your hospice nurses were asked never to say the word cancer or Leukemia. He said OK, I’m going to rest.
THE NEXT MORNING HE DIED, and we blamed the doctor. My dad's fear of hearing the words you are dying killed him. This shows the power of words. We love you Hubby Cat, rest in peace.