Welcome, To My Tour Of
90 Healing Devices, and my
book that everyone's been
waiting for

The True Fountain Youth is Electricity
Edgar Cayce States “ Without Electricity There Is No life”
I reversed my Lyme disease with a Dr. Hulda Clark 9-Volt Zapper in two weeks.
I became a world known healer by using Electric-Therapy devices, such as electricity, ozone, magnetic fields, color, sound, frequencies, Scalar, Tachyon, Tesla Tech, and Edgar Cayce devices. We are made up of these energies, so doesn’t it make sense to heal with these same forms of energies. They are used to reverse ailments from A to Z, chronic pain, reversing the ageing process, while increasing mental and body energy.
* I am an Electro-Therapist Healer
* I give a certified course in Electro-Therapy
* I have a certificate of Ordination for the Order of Melchizedek
* I have a certificate of completion for Reiki Practitioner 11
* I have a certificate of a Natural Health Consultant
* I am an aura photographer doing pioneering work in the field of energy
* I am an author of nine books
* I am an Inventor of 20 healing devices
You can view my tour online, come visit me, come stay a week with me and take my
Electro-Therapy certification course. Stay with me if your ill and want to learn about these healing devices so you can go back home in optimal health.
My Featured Healing Device, "The Tesla Body Energizer".
AandAfter 27 years of researching for the healing device that gets the best and quickest results is this miraculous machine.
The small version is called the Tesla Violet Ray.

I will explain in the tour my 90 Healing Devices on how electricity gives your body the power to heal itself.

"From Hooker To Healer"
Orgies, Swinging, a Brothel, and a High-Class Escort. I went
from pleasing people’s sexual appetites to becoming a
world-known healer later in life by using Electric-Therapy
devices to give people the power to heal themselves.
My autobiography about my wild and crazy life’s journey
on how I went from a life of SEX to the paranormal,
and near-death experiences to creating miraculous healings.

"From Hooker To Electro-Therapist", a Collector of 90 healing devices.
I cured my Lyme disease in two weeks using a Dr. Hulda Clark 9-volt zapper.
Take a tour of my collection of 90 electric healing machines that uses electricity to give your body the power to heal itself. I became a world-known healer using Electric-Therapy devices, such as electricity, ozone, magnetic fields, color, sound, frequencies, scalar, tachyon, Tesla Tech, and Edgar Cayce devices.
Our bodies are made up of these energies, so doesn’t it make sense to heal with them. They are used to reverse ailments from A to Z, chronic pain, and reverse the aging process while increasing mental and body energy.

Unusual Aura Photo Experiments.
A beautiful, unusual, coffee table book.
My aura research will teach you what harms and enhances the auric field. See before and after using electric healing machines, the aura of a couple having sex, an aura of a real female alien, an aura of a UFO, chakras of a spirit orb, an aura of a little ghost girl, aura of animals, and many more unusual aura photo experiments.

This is my journey of living in this fixer-upper house over the last ten years with the supernatural, not by choice. These are real encounters documented by twelve people who have lived here of Interdimensional monkeys, spirit orbs of all shapes and colors, ghost animals, elementals, angels, sexual experiences, scratches, bruises, slaps, strangulation, shadow people, and worse of all, demons. See proof with photos and videos.

"From Hooker To Nikola Tesla", my personal connection to him.
I went from a life of orgies, swinging, being an escort and working in a brothel to later in life connecting to Nikola Tesla. I now build many of his healing technologies and have had many personal experiences with him while he is on the other side.

learn how electricity can reverse your ageing process.
Edgar Cayce states “Without electricity there is no life”. My
book will teach you how to literally charge up the electricity
in your cells for optimal health. All we are spinning electrons,
a big battery, and our battery drains from eating unhealthy
foods. Also, from toxins in the food, water, air, and products
we use. I will show by using electrical healing devices you
can change your health from illness and chronic pain and reverse your age by regrowing your telomeres. and see experiments with my 90 Healing Devices.

"From Hooker To UFO Researcher"
My book was written because of so many sighting of aliens and UFO flying around my town. I want to know why they are here, what they are doing here and if we are in any danger. I have an aura photo of a female alien, an aura photo of a small alien and an aura of two UFO ships in the night sky.

"From Hooker To Heaven"
My amazing reading from psychics and medium from the past 30years.

"From Hooker To Pet Healer"
Heal your pet using energy devices such as Nikola Tesla devices, magnetic, high frequency, color, sound, and more. I will help you choose which ones are best for your pet. They are for relieving pain and increasing energy. Also in my book is my collection of 90 Healing devices for people.

10. "From Hooker to UFO, Electric Healer, Paranormal, Nikola Tesla & Aura Researcher".
A complication of my nine books.

Event Calendar coming soon
Contact Mary at 321-525-2511 for any questions or email me at 90HealingDevices@gmail.com or if you want to be added to my newsletter type that into the subject box.